
Website and forum for SharpScape, a social multiplayer game and community

Primary LanguageC#


An online multiplayer community

Repository Overview

Website/: Contains the Blazor front-end project files for the web application that users will interact with.

  • This project's root namespace is SharpScape.Website.

Api/: Contains the ASP.NET Core web API project files for the backend that will serve the website and the game.

  • This project's root namespace is SharpScape.Api.
  • The default developmenet database is SQLite3 for cross-platform compatibility. Tests will be run against a SQLite3 seeded database using the Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlite adapter. Do not use SqlServer. In production, the database will be PostgreSQL, and the appropriate adapter will be selected.

Shared/: Contains objects that should be shared between Website and Api projects, such as DTOs.

Game project

The game will be built using Godot. The game project repository is located at cptchuckles/SharpScapeGodotGame


Only members of the Summer 2022 Quintrix .NET Cohort may submit contributions to this project.

Initial instructions for cohort members:

  • Fork this repository and clone your fork. Your fork's URL will be known to git as origin.
  • Add this repository URL to your git remotes as upstream.

From then on:

  • Create a new branch for each feature you work on, and make your commits to each feature's respective branch.
  • Make sure your branch is up-to-date by pulling upstream/master into your feature branch.
  • Push your new branch to your origin. Do not merge it into your master branch.
  • Pull-request your feature branch against this repository's master branch.

File Structure: Website

When you create a new page or component, please keep those new files bundled together in a new folder for that page or component. Folder structure for the Blazor website should look something like this (this is a general example):

| - Components/
|   | - SomeComponent/
|   |       SomeComponent.razor
|   |       SomeComponent.razor.cs  (external code for the component, if needed)
|   |       SomeComponent.razor.css  (custom styles for the component)
|   | - AnotherComponent/
|           AnotherComponent.razor
|           AnotherComponent.razor.cs
| - Pages/
    |   Index.razor
    |   Login.razor
    |   Register.razor
    | - Forum/

Static files for the website, like images, or global javascript or stylesheets, should go in wwwroot/<category>/filename.* such as:

| - wwwroot/
    | - css/
    |       some-more-styles.css
    | - scripts/
    |       some-javascript.js
    | - assets/
        |   login-button.png
        | - forum/

and so on. These files can be linked in the markup as relative paths starting at wwwroot, e.g:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/some-more-styles.css" />

<img id="forum-title" src="assets/forum/forum-titlebar.jpg" />

<img id="login" src="assets/login-button.png" />

Forum structure

The structure of the forum should be as so:

  • Forum Index
    • Categories
      • Threads
        • Posts

The forum index shows the list of Categories.

A Category shows a list of Threads.

A Thread is a list of Posts.

A Post is a message made by a User.

Game architecture

Here is a tentative diagram of how the game client+server and backend API+DB are going to work together: