
My neovim configuration in Lua

Primary LanguageLua

Neovim Config

My custom configuration for Neovim, intended to build out functionality to rival modern IDEs.

This started out as a config for personal use, but is garnering some interest from other neovim users.

Major feature plugins

Language support


  • Treesitter - Language parsing, highlighting, and editing features

LSP and Diagnostics

  • Mason - Plugin management for LSP, DAP, Formatters and Linters
  • null-ls - Plugs external linters into LSP Diagnostics and Code Actions

Intellisense and Completion

Interface enhancements


Workspace Tools

  • Telescope - Powerful search/browse for files, regex, and sybmols throughout whole workspace
  • Trouble - Enhanced list for diagnostics, references, and search results
  • Lazygit - In-Editor integration for the lazygit version control TUI

User Experience

  • Gitsigns - See and manipulate git hunks, commits, and diffs in-editor
  • nvim-navic - Show document symbol breadcrumbs in winbar
  • IndentBlankline - Clearly visualize indentation and scope
  • Tokyonight - Simply the best colorscheme


  • Finish integrating DAP support
  • Maybe add which-key to better organize keybinds and make them more discoverable