
This is an Ansible Playbook that will deploy a Nexus3 Container into a Fedora CoreOS Server on VMware with a Static IP.

Primary LanguageHTML

Nexus3 on Fedora CoreOS in VMware with Static IP


The goal of this repository is to provide a simple, reproducible way to deploy a Nexus 3 on a Fedora CoreOS server inside of VMware with Static IPs.


Start by editing the group_vars/all.yml file:

  • Set the vCenter variables

    1. IP/Host Name of vCenter
    2. vCenter Network
    3. Datastore name
    4. Datacenter name
    5. username and passwords of vCenter Account
    6. Absoluate folder path - e.g /DataCenter/vm/Folder/
    7. Template Name
    8. VM Power state after being deployed
  • Configure your Fedora CoreOS URL and govc version.

    1. Set the Fedora CoreOS stream version. stable is the default
  • Configure your Nexus 3 VM Settings

    1. VM and Host Name
    2. IP Addr, Gateway, Net Mask, DNS
    3. Nexus 3 Version Tag e.g. latest
    4. Number of CPUs
    5. Amount of Memory in MB
    6. Size of the HDD in GBs

Infrastructure Prerequisites

  1. vSphere ESXi and vCenter 6.7 or 7.0 installed.
  2. A datacenter created with a vSphere host added to it and a datastore exists that has adequate capacity.
  3. Ansible (preferably latest) on the machine where this repo is cloned.
    1. Before you install Ansible, install the epel-release, run yum -y install epel-release


Run Deploy Playbook

# Deploy the Lab and all components
ansible-playbook deploy-nexus3.yml

deploy-aio-lab.yml Extra Variables

skip_ova=true - Skips downloading and deploying the OVA if previous deployed to vCenter. redeploy=true - Deletes existing Nexus 3 vm

Expected Outcome

  1. Necessary Linux packages installed for the installation
  2. Necessary folders [bin, downloads] created
  3. govc downloaded and extracted
  4. FCOS ova downloaded to the downloads folder
  5. Nexus 3 VM is created in the designated folder and (in state of) poweredon


Morgan Peterman