
This repo contains a playbook which uses Packer to prepare a Windows Image to be used with OpenShift Windows Machine Config Operator (WMCO)

Primary LanguageJinja

Ansible playbook to prepare Windows OS image for OpenShift (using Packer)

Note: This playbook was based on this repo: https://github.com/openshift/windows-machine-config-operator/tree/master/docs/vsphere_ci


This playbook uses Packer to prepare a Windows image to be used with Windows Nodes on OpenShift.

Prepare Windows Image

How to use

You should define the following variables to run it:

  1. vcenter:

    1. admin_username: User with Admin privileges in vCenter
    2. admin_password: Admin user's password
    3. server: vCenter FQDN or IP
    4. datastore: vCenter Datastore name
    5. network: Network Interface Card type (e.g.: vmxnet3, e1000e, etc.).
    6. datacenter: vCenter Datacenter name
    7. cluster: vCenter Cluster name
    8. folder: vCenter Folder Name used to place the template
    9. win_iso_path: The path to your Windows 2019 ISO e.g. (e.g.: "[datastore1] ISOs/WinServer2019.iso").
  2. windows:

    1. vm_name: Windows Template Name
    2. vm_cpu: Number of vCPU
    3. vm_mem: Amount of Memory in Mb (e.g.: 16384)
    4. vm_disk: Hard Drive Size in Mb (e.g.: 120000)
    5. admin_passwd: admin123
    6. input_locale: Input Locale (e.g.: en-US, en-ES)
    7. system_locale: System Locale (e.g.: en-US, en-ES)
  3. ssh_pub_key: Path to SSH Public Key. (e.g.: ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub).

Instructions to use it:

  1. Clone this repo into your workspace (it needs to have access to vCenter API URL).
$ git clone git@github.com:cptmorgan-rh/ocp-windows-image-prepare.git
  1. Edit the variables according to your environment. This can be done by modifying the group_vars\all.yml file:
ssh_pub_key: "{{ lookup('file', '~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub') }}"
  admin_username: administrator@vsphere.local
  admin_password: Password1!
  datastore: ds0
  network: 10.0.0.x-24
  network_card: vmxnet3
  datacenter: dc0
  cluster: LAB
  folder: Templates
  win_iso_path: "[ds0] ISOs/Windows.2019.iso"
  vmwaretools_iso_path: "[] /usr/lib/vmware/isoimages/windows.iso"
  packer: https://releases.hashicorp.com/packer/1.6.6/packer_1.6.6_linux_amd64.zip
  vm_name: win-ocp-image-template
  vm_cpu: 4
  vm_mem: 16384
  vm_disk: 120000
  admin_passwd: admin123
  input_locale: en-US
  system_locale: en-US


Consider the following notes when trying to use this playbook:

  • This playbook has been tested with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 and Fedora 33, it may not work with other Linux distributions not based on RHEL. If you intent to try it using other distributions and have suggestion to make it more portable, please feel free to propose a PR - I will be happy to analyze and approve it as soon as I can! :)