how to run the postgres experiments

  • pip install psycopg2
  • create a postgres database named downtimes with sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE DATABASE downtimes;"
  • run ./

Django project

  • resolve o problema de:
    • que operações sempre vêm agregadas?


Operations to test

  • A18 - Add index
    • two indexes are added if varchar: one normal for the column and another one for "LIKE" queries
  • A2 - add column
    • not aggregated
  • A12 - add fk
    • add column
    • create index (in the fk)
  • A21 - drop column default value
    • none operations (the drop default was made in the creation of default)
  • A1 - add table
    • add table
    • as many foreign keys in the table are created:
      • fk constraints
      • indexes in the fk columns
  • A6 - drop column
    • drop column (all the dependencies are removed by the postgres, indexes, constraints)
  • A10 - add pk
    • the primary key is together with table creation
    • the transformation of a column in primary key requires the drop of default ID column created by django
      • this means:
        • a drop
        • a column creation
        • a index creation
  • A8 - change column data type
    • only the change data colun
  • A13 - drop fk
    • onyl drop column
  • A20 - add default value
    • none operations
  • A7 - rename column
    • only the rename
  • A4 - drop table
    • only drop table
  • A24 - drop not null constraint
    • only drop
  • A16 - add constraint
    • only constraint
  • A5 - rename table
    • only rename