
coding challenge

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  1. CD into the base of the repo and run npm install or yarn install

  2. Make sure you have postgresql and knex globally installed

        npm install knex -g
  3. Create a postgres database for the project (make sure your user has sufficient roles to create db's)

        psql postgres
        postgres=# CREATE DATABASE swenson;

    You can use check to see if the DB was created by typing.

        postgres=# \list

    For the new databse if your user does not have privileges listed in the Access Privilege column you can apply the following:

        GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE databse TO username;
  4. If you'd like to change the name of the database be sure to change the name in the knexfile.js on line #4

        connection: 'postgres://localhost/swenson',
  5. Next migrate and seed the database in the project by running the following:

        knex migrate:latest
        knex seed:run
  6. Run the server locally:

        npm start
  7. You can hit the following endpoint localhost:8000/api/v1/recommendations via postman with query params (machine, waterline, flavor, count, pod).

    ex: localhost:8000/api/v1/recommendations?machine=espresso&flavor=vanilla&count=1&pod=espresso&waterline=true


    If you do not wish to filter a value the query params can be empty (flavor=) but the query params must be passed in or else the server will return an error.