
Simple tool to split COCO annotations into train/test datasets.

Primary LanguagePython

Simple tool to split coco annotations (json) into train and test sets.

Why a new fork?

For spliting new datasets with coco annotation style. To train a computer vision model, we only need the images, annotations, categories attributes. Hence, annotation files of new datasets usually contain only these information but not the info, licenses attributes. However. the original repo assumes these attributes, and thus does not work for these datasets. Also, the original repo pretty-printed the json, increasing the size of the output json files. This fork produces minimal output json files.


cocosplit requires python 3 and a basic set of dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt


$ python cocosplit.py -h
usage: cocosplit.py [-h] -s SPLIT [--having-annotations]
                    coco_annotations train test

Splits COCO annotations file into training and test sets.

positional arguments:
  coco_annotations      Path to COCO annotations file.
  train                 Where to store COCO training annotations
  test                  Where to store COCO test annotations

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SPLIT              A percentage of a split; a number in (0, 1)
  --having-annotations  Ignore all images without annotations. Keep only these
                        with at least one annotation


$ python cocosplit.py --having-annotations -s 0.8 /path/to/your/coco_annotations.json train.json test.json

will split coco_annotation.json into train.json and test.json with ratio 80%/20% respectively. It will skip all images (--having-annotations) without annotations.