Tech Talent Pipeline Full Stack Assessment

Node/Express/Postgres application for making stock purchases.

To start up the project, clone this repo to your machine and

  • npm install
  • Create a postgres database called stockapp. You can change the name if you prefer so long as you change the corresponding reference to the database in server/db/db.js
  • npm run start-dev
  • navigate to localhost:3000


Current functionality:

  • a user can create a new account with name, email, and password
  • a user’s cash account balance is defaulted set to $5000.00 USD
  • a user can only register once with any given email
  • logged in user automatatically transferred to home dashboard
  • user authenticates via email and password in order to access account
  • user can buy shares of stock at its current price by specifying its sticker symbol and number of shares
  • a user can only buy whole number quantities of shares
  • a user can only buy shares if they have enough cash in their account for a given purchase
  • a user can only buy shares if the ticker symbol is valid
  • a user can view a list of their transactions
  • a user can see a list of their stocks along with their current values
  • user's portfolio values should be based on the latest price and quantity owned for a given stock
  • a user should see the font color of stock symbols and current prices change dynamically
  • display red when the current price is less than the day's open price
  • display green when the current price is greatr than the day's open price
  • display grey when the current price is the same as the day's open price

Concerns/research goals:

  • testing
  • protection for backend routes
  • accessibility/visibility to screen readers
  • do we anticipate users wanting to access this on mobile?
  • mobile styling
  • mobile security
  • what do we do about latency (for example, on the subway?)
  • will this work over slow connections/ what will a user see without javascript enabled?
  • do we know where the majority userbase will be located? (e.g., a country where we need to provide Opera coverage?)