CQLug Demo - August 2012
Provide a demo of how to create a simple pypi package for all your python scripts.
- Use github to store the source code for all your python scripts
- Use pypi to store an installable package containing all your custom python scripts
- Conveniently pip install your package to any of your machines
Creating Sources
The easiest way:
- Make a github account
- Fork an existing package that is similar (e.g. stonier/cqlug_demo)
Alternatively create a new repo and add some files to your package. Some notes on the structure and the files you'll need for pypi packaging.
- setup.py : list of python files, meta info required for your pypi package - MANIFEST.in : describes what regular files should be added (e.g. docs) - Makefile : convenience build targets so you don't have to remember them - make.bat : same thing for windows - src/pkg_name/__init.py__ : python module header file (declares api) - src/pkg_name/*.py : python module files (module implementation) - src/scripts/* : executable python scripts
The python scripts are most easily managed if they are almost empty and just call your module api.
Preparation, you need the python setuptools.
> sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
Two main use cases. While developing, it's easy to just install/uninstall directly.
> make build > sudo make install # Test your python scripts > sudo make uninstall
Adding to your Module
- create or add functions to your library in src/pkg_name/*.py
- you can do this in existing files or by creating new .py files
- declare those functions in init.py
- create a script which calls your functionality in /scripts/mynewscript
- add the script filename to setup.py
Creating the Package
- Create a pypi account.
- Register the package with pypi
> make register
You will see:
running register We need to know who you are, so please choose either: 1. use your existing login, 2. register as a new user, 3. have the server generate a new password for you (and email it to you), or 4. quit Your selection [default 1]:
Choose 1 or 2 and set up for your account locally. Finally, upload.
make upload
Go to http://pypi.python.org/ and login. You will see your package and the details there.
Installing Pypi Packages
This can be done on almost any *nix machine. Windows is also possible, though I prefer creating msi installers for windows.
Install pip, the python package installer:
> sudo apt-get install python-pip
Then pip install your package:
> sudo pip install -U cqlug_demo # To uninstall > sudo pip uninstall cqlug_demo