Tool to flash CC253x via RaspberryPI without a debugger
This tool can be used to flash CC253x boards (and probably others) via RaspberryPI. A CC-debugger is not neccecary. WiringPI has to be installed on the PI.
CC253x .............. PI (wPi)
RESET (RST) ......... GPIO22 (Phys31)
DATA/DD (P2.1) ...... GPIO0 (Phys11)
CLOCK/DC (P2.2) ..... GPIO2 (Phys13)
VCC ................. 3.3V (e.g. Phys1)
GND ................. 0V/GND (e.g.Phys9)
Labeling is according to wiringPi PIN-Names.
If you prefere different PINs on the Raspberry side, this can be changed in the code.
Use supplied Makefile - or manualy run C-compiler...
# gcc -o flashPiCC flashPiCC.c -lwiringPi
The firmware to be flashed has to be in hex-format. Flashing can be started by:
# ./flashPiCC -f firmware.hex
The CC253x is erased before the firmware is flashed.
Flashing and Verifying:
if -V is passed, the flashing is verified by coparing the written data with the original data.
# ./flashPiCC -V -f firmware.hex
If the CC253x needs to be resetted, this can be done with
# ./flashPiCC -r
Have Fun.