Implementation of the `java.time` API in scala. Especially useful for scala.js
- 0
ZoneOffset.of("Z") behaviour differs from JVM
#518 opened by keynmol - 3
Scala Native 0.5 release
#504 opened by MateuszKubuszok - 5
ZoneRulesException without timezone
#257 opened by marcadella - 2
Proposal for JS for implementing .now() without tzdb for all "time" classes except for ZonedDateTime
#480 opened by gatisnolv - 1
Isues with parsing
#486 opened by sideeffffect - 0
Some missing format symbols
#483 opened by chadselph - 1
- 1
- 3
- 3
Missing methods for JDK9+
#254 opened by tom91136 - 8
- 4
LocalDate.now fails if no tzdb in scala.js
#335 opened by pmeheut - 16
Publish artifacts for scala-native 0.4.3
#361 opened by TheElectronWill - 1
Experiment with TC39 Temporal proposal
#365 opened by armanbilge - 18
Support for Scala Native
#45 opened by mkotsbak - 3
3.x compilation
#235 opened by aappddeevv - 4
It would be nice to get rid of scala-reflect
#206 opened by pshirshov - 1
Remove unimplemented methods
#56 opened by cquiroz - 13
Remove java.util.Calendar
#87 opened by cquiroz - 12
Regression test for 2.0.0-RC5
#171 opened by bwbecker - 6
- 5
Publish artifacts for Scala.js 1.0.0
#154 opened by dvreeze - 8
Reduce file size for Scala.js
#69 opened by exoego - 2
- 1
- 2
Publish for scala 2.13.0
#101 opened by nafg - 0
support Scala 2.13.0-RC1
#94 opened by xuwei-k - 3
publish for Scala 2.13.0-M5, please?
#91 opened by SethTisue - 3
Unknown timezone id
#88 opened by epifab - 0
2018f tzdb breaks the parser
#84 opened by cquiroz - 2
Submit scala-java-time to SP (Scala Platform)
#12 opened by mdedetrich - 7
Update tzdb parser
#77 opened by cquiroz - 0
Create a gitter channel
#73 opened by mdedetrich - 8
- 7
Auto-generated tzdb_*.scala seems broken
#66 opened by exoego - 1
Support custom tzdb modules
#65 opened by cquiroz - 1
Thank You!
#67 opened by bwbecker - 0
Split packages containing tzdb data
#16 opened by cquiroz - 2
Update to Scala.js 0.6.16
#59 opened by mdedetrich - 0
Port unit tests to scalatest
#10 opened by cquiroz - 0
Make HijrahChronology work on scala.js
#11 opened by cquiroz - 8
- 6
ZoneId.systemDefault not working
#35 opened by ThijsBroersen - 6
Scala.js source maps point to wrong root
#25 opened by chuwy - 4
Linking error when using `Duration.compareTo`
#26 opened by liff - 2
Prohibited package name: java.time
#24 opened by chuwy - 8
- 1
`Duration` is not `Comparable`
#19 opened by liff - 19
Support timezones using generated code
#9 opened by cquiroz - 6
Very large JS file when using Instant.ofEpochMilli
#13 opened by migo