
demo code project

Primary LanguageJava



  1. offline-map: an offline demo use Leaflet


  1. hlsdownloader: hls (.m3u8) downloader
  2. spring boot + redis demo
  3. spring boot cache + redis
  4. idea multi module project
  5. spring boot 2 multi datasources use jpa
  6. spring boot 2 multi datasources use mybatis
  7. spring cloud
    1. Eureka
    2. Ribbon
    3. Feign
    4. Hystrix & Hystrix Dashboard & Turbine
    5. Zuul
    6. Spring Cloud Config
    7. Spring Cloud Sleuth, Zipkin
    8. Spring Boot Admin
    9. Spring Security, OAuth2
    10. Spring Security, OAuth2, JWT
    11. Nacos
    12. Dubbo
    13. Spring Cloud Gateway
    14. Sentinel
    15. Seata
  8. spring boot 2 + swagger 2
  9. sequential uuid
  10. twitter snowflake
  11. zuul + swagger 2
  12. spring boot 2 + rabbitmq
  13. spring boot 2 + elasticsearch
  14. spring boot 2 + sharding-jdbc
  15. spring boot 2 + mongodb
  16. spring boot 2 + mqtt
  17. netty + websocket
  18. netty heartbeat
  19. spring boot 2 + kafka (multi)
  20. spring boot + xxl-job
  21. jjwt
  22. read binlog
  23. canal
  24. watchdog
  25. MinIO
  26. Spring Security + JJWT
  27. Paho


  1. file-taken-datetime: get the a file actually recorded date (also support image and video)

  2. modbus crc 16

  3. hj212 crc 16


  1. dynamic schema