
Command line tool for Nasa's Astronomy Picture Of The Day

Primary LanguageShell

apod 0.4
Download the Astronomy Picture of the Day
(c) 2003-2012 Christiane Ruetten
Free software licensed under GPLv2

usage:  apod.sh update|get|lock|unlock|wallpaper|archive [<options> ...]

        update [<file> [<date>]]
             loads image to file, ~/apod.png if unspecified. Format of
             optional date is YYMMDD. If unspecified, today's picture
             is loaded.

        get [<file> [<date>]]
             Same as update, but ignores the locking.

             prevents subsequent updates from running. Useful if you
             have the script running as a cronjob but like today's
             picture so much.

             removes the locking flag.

        wallpaper [<file>]
             set wallpaper on (possibly every) desktop.

        archive [<searchterm>]
             list APOD archive, optionally filter titles.	

automatic updates:
        Run the shell command "crontab -e" and add a line like:

        @hourly /home/cr/apod.sh update /home/cr/Images/apod.png \
             && /home/cr/apod.sh wallpaper /home/cr/Images/apod.png

        You may also use @daily or @reboot if your system is permanently