########################################################################### # mkPirateBox v0.2-5 # IPKG that installs PirateBox to your fresh OpenWRT router # (C) 2011, Christiane Ruetten, cr@23bit.net # # Released under GPLv2, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html FEATURES: - Install this IPKG on your fresh OpenWRT "Backfire", and out comes (hopefully) a ready-to-use PirateBox, a project by NYU Professor David Darts. - Now supports devices with 4 MByte flash - See https://github.com/cr/mkPirateBox/wiki for current router support status. TODO: - Test other platforms - Improve error checking - Does not cleanly update, yet. "opkg remove piratebox" first. PLEASE HELP: - I expect mkPirateBox v0.2+ to run on many or even most untested router models. If something goes wrong, I usually can easily make it work if you help me out. If you decide to try mkPirateBox on an untested router model, please send send me feedback on how it went, including - your router model - output of the command "cat /etc/openwrt_release /etc/config/wireless /etc/config/network". - Thanks! :) REQUIREMENTS: - See https://github.com/cr/mkPirateBox/wiki/Requirements and https://github.com/cr/mkPirateBox/wiki/Router-support INSTALL: - See https://github.com/cr/mkPirateBox/wiki/Installation USAGE: - See https://github.com/cr/mkPirateBox/wiki/Usage REFERENCES: - The PirateBox project: http://wiki.daviddarts.com/PirateBox_DIY - OpenWRT - List of supported devices: http://wiki.openwrt.org/toh/start - OpenWRT documentation (look for tftp installation): http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/start - OpenWRT "Backfire" 10.04.1-r4 images: http://downloads.openwrt.org/backfire/10.03.1-rc4/