Nest plug-in for Homebridge using the native Nest API.
Integrate your Nest Thermostat and Nest Protect devices into your HomeKit system. homebridge-nest no longer uses the 'Works With Nest' API and will be unaffected by its shutdown in August 2019.
Currently, homebridge-nest supports Nest Thermostat and Nest Protect devices. Camera and Nest Secure support may come later. (I don't currently own those devices.)
- Install homebridge using:
npm install -g homebridge
- Install this plug-in using:
npm install -g homebridge-nest
- Update your configuration file. See
snippet below.
You will need your Nest account email address and password - the same credentials you use with the Nest app. A 'Works With Nest' developer account and tokens are not required.
Configuration sample (edit ~/.homebridge/config.json):
"platforms": [
"platform": "Nest",
"email": "your Nest account email address",
"password": "your Nest account password"
- "platform": Must always be "Nest" (required)
- "email": Your Nest account email address (required)
- "password": Your Nest account password (required)
- "pin": "number" // PIN code sent to your mobile device for 2-factor authentication - see below (optional)
- "structureId": "your structure's ID" // optional structureId to filter to (see logs on first run for each device's structureId) - Nest "structures" are equivalent to HomeKit "homes"
- "disable": [] // optional list of features to disable ("Thermostat.Fan", "Thermostat.Home", "Thermostat.Eco", "Protect.Home")
Note: The name of the device that appears in HomeKit matches the name displayed in the Nest app. This plug-in creates 4 accessories for each Thermostat (temperature, home/away mode, eco mode, fan) and 2 accessories for each Protect (smoke and CO sensors). If you have multiple thermostats or Protects, you should assign them a Label in the Nest app so you know which is which (select your device in the app, then go to Settings, then go to Where, then set a Label). You can also change the names of the individual accessories in the Apple Home app if you wish.
Two-factor authentication is supported if enabled in your Nest account. On starting Homebridge, you will be prompted to enter a PIN code which will be sent to the mobile device number registered to your Nest account.
If you are running Homebridge as a service, you cannot manually enter the PIN in the console. In this case, when you start Homebridge and receive the PIN code, edit config.json and add the PIN received under "pin" (see 'Configuration' above). Then, restart Homebridge. Using 2FA is not recommended if Homebridge is run as a service, because if the connection to the Nest service is interrupted for any reason, homebridge-nest will not be able to automatically reconnect.
- Thermostat accessory with ambient temperature and humidity sensors, mode control (heat/cool/auto/off), and target temperature control
- Switch accessory (Home Occupied) indicating detected Home/Away state - can be manually changed. Disable by adding "Thermostat.Home" to "disable" field in config.json
- Switch accessory (Eco Mode) indicating current eco mode state - can be manually changed. Disable by adding "Thermostat.Eco" to "disable" field in config.json
- Fan accessory indicating whether the fan is running - can be manually changed. Disable by adding "Thermostat.Fan" to "disable" field in config.json
- SmokeSensor accessory (Smoke) indicating smoke detected
- CarbonMonoxideSensor accessory (Carbon Monoxide) indicating CO detected
- OccupancySensor accessory (Home Occupied) indicating detected occupancy (Home/Away) state. Disable by adding "Protect.Home" to "disable" field in config.json - you will want to do this if your home has both a Thermostat and Protects to avoid a duplicate home/away accessory
homebridge-nest is a labour of love. It's provided under the ISC licence and is completely free to do whatever you want with. But if you'd like to show your appreciation for its continued development, please consider clicking here to make a small donation or send me a thank-you card:
Adrian Cable
PO Box 370365
Montara, CA 94037
I appreciate your feedback and support in whatever form!