
HumanNameParser.java, a Java port of HumanNameParser.php. Parser for human names in Java, all credit goes to @jasonpriem

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Java port Author: Bruno P. Kinoshita (Steve Ash is just publishing this fork to Maven Central to make it available for some of my OSS projects; Im not contributing anything to this parser)

Also it should be noted that this is a relatively naive name parser; and its implementation is highly unoptimized. I (steve ash) do not recommend using this in any production situations where performance is sensitive. I am only publishing it on maven central to include as a sample parser to demonstrate the integration of a name parser into Syngen. I did make a number of changes to just make it usable, but I would love it if someone would publish a competitive open-source parser

Original library Author: Jason Priem jason@jasonpriem.com (credits go to him) Original library Author Website: http://jasonpriem.com/human-name-parse

License: MIT


Takes human names of arbitrary complexity and various wacky formats like:

  • J. Walter Weatherman
  • de la Cruz, Ana M.
  • James C. ('Jimmy') O'Dell, Jr.

and parses out the:

  • leading initial (Like "J." in "J. Walter Weatherman")
  • first name (or first initial in a name like 'R. Crumb')
  • nicknames (like "Jimmy" in "James C. ('Jimmy') O'Dell, Jr.")
  • middle names
  • last name (including compound ones like "van der Sar' and "Ortega y Gasset"), and
  • suffix (like 'Jr.', 'III')


This is available on maven central as:

HumanNameParser parser = new HumanNameParser();
ParsedName name = parser.parse("Sérgio Vieira de Mello")
for (int i = 0; i < name.size(); i++) {
  name.getToken(i);  // the i-th token
  name.getLabel(i);  // the label for that token
// or access the name as segmented into first, middle, last, etc.
SegmentedName segName = name.toSegmented();

String firstName = segName.getFirst(); // Sergio
String nicknames = segName.getLast();  // de Mello (note its not smart it doesn't know name cultural practices) 
// ...