
A list of D3 libraries, plugins and utilities


Awesome D3 Awesome

This list keeps track of interesting D3js libraries, plugins and utilities.
We decided not to list tutorials, resources or concepts here, because there is already a very good list of readings out there you can check out and contribute to.

Curators: Moritz Klack and Christopher Möller of webkid.io


  • bullet chart - Bullet chart
  • cirrus.js - A multi-renderer charts library
  • cubism - Time Series Visualization
  • cola.js - Layout for graph visualization and exploration
  • c3 - Reusable chart library
  • dagre-d3 - Layout directed graphs on the client-side
  • dc - For heavy amounts of data
  • dimple - An object-oriented API for business analytics
  • d3.chart - Framework for building reusable charts
  • d3-flame-graph - Flame graphs from hierarchical data
  • d3-message-sequence - A dynamic/static message sequence chart
  • d3fc - A collection of interactive chart components
  • D3Funnel - A funnel and pyramid chart library
  • d3panels - Interactive charts with linked brushing
  • d3pie - A configurable pie chart lib and generator
  • d3-timeline - responsive timeline charts
  • D3xter - Straight forward plotting
  • d3 timeseries - Time series charting library
  • D4 - Re-usable charts DSL
  • dTree - Family tree library
  • epoch - A general purpose, real-time visualization library
  • EventDrops - A time based/event series interactive visualization
  • fancycharts - Library to visualize percentage values
  • firespray - Streaming charts
  • forest-d3 - A time series charting library
  • Gantt-Chart - Gantt chart library
  • metricsgraphics - Optimized for visualizing time-series data
  • micropolar - A polar chart library
  • mpld3 - Export matplotlib graphics to work in the Browser
  • nvd3 - Re-usable charts and chart components
  • peek - Object-oriented chart library
  • plotly - High level charting library
  • plottablejs - Flexible, interactive charts for the web
  • pykcharts - Themeable, responsive, modular, real-time charts and 109+ maps
  • radar chart - Radar chart module
  • rickshaw - Toolkit for creating interactive real-time graphs
  • sankey - Plugin to create Sankey Diagrams
  • taucharts - Charts with a focus on design and flexibility
  • techanjs - A visual, stock charting and technical analysis
  • uvCharts - Supports lots of different chart types
  • vega - A visualization grammar
  • vizabi - A framework for building visual data exploration tools
  • xkcdgraphs - Xkcd style graphs
Third Party
Reusable Chart Frameworks


Third Party
  • leaflet-d3 - Collection of plugins for using D3 with Leaflet
  • Wikimaps-D3js Atlas - Command line utility and D3js based library to generate raster, topojson and svg maps


  • chroniton - Time slider input for time-based visualizations and data
  • d3-extended - Extends d3 with some common jQuery functions
  • d3-helpers - Little utility functions
  • d3-iconarray - A plug-in for aligning elements in grids
  • d3-kit - A set of tools to speed D3 related project development
  • d3-Labeler - Plug-in for automatic label placement
  • d3-legend - Legend helper
  • d3-plus - An extension to the D3 library that allows fast and easy creation of data visualizations
  • d3-starterkit - Helper functions simplifying common and verbose d3 patterns
  • d3-tip - Tooltips helper
  • d3-trail - A layout for creating better path elements with d3
  • d3.slider - jQuery UI inspired slider
  • d3.svg.circularbrush - A brush for selecting cyclical data
  • d3.svg.ribbon - An area interpolator
  • d3-nelson-rules - Utility to apply nelsons rules of process control to a set of data
  • jetpack - Nifty convenience wrappers that speed up your daily work
  • kodama - Tooltip Plugin
  • textures - SVG patterns for Data Visualization
