


Inspired by Hangfire.MissionControl and Swashbuckle - Swagger for WebApi.

Hangfire.Jobkits providers define standby job to launch on background or recurring.


Standby Page

Hangfire Standby

  • Definition job : category job and method
  • Auto generate parameters : get method parameters to queue job on hangfire.
  • Set recurring job : do not add recurring job on startup.cs, you can launch job on recurring anytime.
  • Support anothers : support denpendency injection and Hangfire.Console

Monitor Page

Hangfire Standby

  • Period monitor : get daily, weekly and monthly job list.
  • Execute status : assign job check time range, you can check status after job is executed.
  • Custom vaildate : while job is executed, you can trigger customize validate function to display on monitor list.

Job Singleton

  • Limit job : only single job on enqueued and processing pool.


In .Net Core's Startup.cs:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddHangfire(config =>
        // Standby page
        // Monitor page



Additional options

  • AlwaysCollapsed : job method is collapsed on pageload. (default: false)
  • RequireConfirmation : you must confirm after you launch job. (default: false)
  • RecurringTimeZone : recurring job cron timezone (local or UTC),default is local.
    .UseJobkits(new JobKitOptions
                    AlwaysCollapsed = true,
                    RequireConfirmation = true
                    RecurringTimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.UTC

Definition Attributes

Decorate you code on standby jobs.

  • JobLauncher : category you job collection
  • JobMethod : display job to queue on categoory page
  • JobParam : describe you param on method
public class ReportJob
    public void Process(DateTime start, DateTime end)
        //code ... 


  • CategoryName : define category name on sidebar of standby page
// ReportJob.cs
public class ReportJob
    //code ...

// MailJob.cs
public class MailJob
    //code ...


  • Name : display name
  • Description : describe this method how to do
  • UseQueue : use queue state on background job
public class ReportJob
    [JobMethod("Process Report",
               Description = "the report that save login user ",
    public void Process(DateTime start, DateTime end)
        //code ... 

if you use queue to prioritize jobs, you need to update your BackgroundJobServer configuration

var options = new BackgroundJobServerOptions
    Queues = new[] { "critical", "default" }


if the method use to recurring job, you must be setting :

  • RecurringJobId : assign id for this method can launch on recurring job
  • RecurringJobCron : default reccuring job cron value
public class ReportJob
    [JobMethod(RecurringJobId = "Report.Process",
               RecurringJobCron = "00,30 * * * *")]
    public void Process(DateTime start, DateTime end)
        //code ... 


this attribute is option. you don't decorate that on method.

  • DefaultValue : default value on input
  • Description : input placeholder
public class ReportJob
    public void Process(
        [JobParam(Description = "start time", 
                  DefaultValue = "2018/10/20", )]DateTime start, 
        [JobParam(Description = "end time",
                  DefaultValue = "2018/10/30", )]DateTime end)
        //code ... 

Monitor Attribute

Decorate you code on monitor page.

  • JobValidation : job must be monitored, you can describe range and schedule time (cron).
  • CustomValidation : inherit this JobValidation attribute, you can customize conditions to valid on any single job.


  • Name : display name
  • Cron : compute scheulde time to every job on monitor page.
  • Range : define period category on sidebar of monitor page, enum variables: Daily, Weekly, Monthly.
public class ReportJob
    [JobMethod("Export file on members")]
    [JobValidation(Name = "Export Member's file", Cron = "0 0,12 * * *", Range = ValidateRangeType.Daily)]
    public void Process(DateTime start, DateTime end)
        //code ... 

Customize JobValidation

if the method must be valid by customize, you can follow this code:

public class CustomValidationAttribute : JobValidationAttribute

        public CustomValidationAttribute() : base(typeof(CustomValidationFilter))
        { }

        private class CustomValidationFilter : JobValidationStateFilter
            private IServiceProvider _serviceProvider;

            public CustomValidationFilter(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
                _serviceProvider = serviceProvider;

            public override bool Validate()
                // condition on custom


You can use IServiceProvider to instance your module to get table or valid classes by dependency injection.


if your job cannot be repeated, you can append this attribute. It throws exception when job trigger two times.

[JobLauncher(CategoryName = "Delay")]
public class DelayJob
    public void Process(PerformContext context, int delaySec)
        //code ...


Copyright (c) 2018 Crab Lin