🧠A command-line utility for switching git branches more easily. Switch branches interactively or use a fuzzy search to find that long-forgotten branch name.
- 24seconds
- akinshoLondon
- AndrewRadev@producthunt
- astrolemonade
- blyxyasSpain I think???
- dostermannBraunschweig
- dr4gonzPortland, OR
- ginger51011Lund, Sweden
- haraballOffenbach am Main, Germany
- hcxiongHI :)
- HenryRochaINSPER
- infamous-711
- janriemerGermany
- JCallicoat
- jthodge@rupahealth
- kaisugiNTT Communications
- keithemillerMITRE Corp.
- LBlend@unioslo
- m-hamashitaLegalOn Technologies, Inc.
- MalowsSanta Fe, Argentina
- mattrighetti@cloudflare
- neculai-stanciu
- nikitavoloboevMadrid
- QingyaoLin
- quambeneCologne, Germany
- RuivalimNT Consult
- simongibbons@blackbird-plc
- Thieurom
- ticklepokeSingapore
- vadorovsky@Lightprotocol
- vrppaul@kiwicom
- withlinStandard Chartered Bank
- ZhangHanDongBeijing, China
- zhenmin-peng@BondOrigination
- zmtq05
- zu1kCanada