
Primary LanguageVim Script

My config files for Vim, bash, zsh and more in OSX

This is a collection of my configuration files under OSX (I'm working to get the installation script working in Linux too)


The installation step requires the XCode Command Line Tools and may overwrite existing dotfiles in your HOME, .vim and .emacs.d directories.

To install only the essential brew packages (Latest versions of bash, zsh, git, coreutils and rsync) simply run:

$ bash -c "$(curl -fsSL raw.github.com/eduarbo/dotfiles/master/install)" -- --minimal

Note: Later you can install the full list of packages with the commands brewbootstrap and npmbootstrap

However, if you have enough time to do a full installation (Install all Homebrew and Node packages listed below) run the same command without the --minimal parameter:

$ bash -c "$(curl -fsSL raw.github.com/eduarbo/dotfiles/master/install)"

To install some common OSX Apps (listed below) in this step, just run this command instead:

$ bash -c "$(curl -fsSL raw.github.com/eduarbo/dotfiles/master/install)" -- --with-apps


There are nice aliases for git, ruby, shortcuts, files & directories and some OS-specific aliases (Linux and OSX).

Vim Plugins

###Ag Ag can be used as a replacement for ack but faster. This plugin will allow you to run ag from vim, and shows the results in a split window.

<leader>a to run Ag

###Airline Fast and lightweight alternative to powerline.

###Commentary Comment or uncomment lines with <leader>c

###CtrlP Full path fuzzy file, buffer, Most Recent Used (MRU), tag, ... finder with an intuitive interface.


  • <leader>, Open the CtrlP prompt

Once inside the prompt:

  • <C-f> Scroll to the 'next' search mode in the sequence.
  • <C-b> Scroll to the 'previous' search mode in the sequence.

###DelimitMate Automatic closing of quotes, parenthesis, brackets, etc.

###Emmet Editor plugin for high-speed HTML, XML, XSL (or any other structured code format) coding and editing


  • <C-g>, Expand abbreviation
  • <C-g>n Go to Next Edit Point in insert mode
  • <C-g>N Go to Previous Edit Point in insert mode
  • <C-g>k Remove tag
  • <C-g>/ Toggle comment

###Endwise Helps to end certain structures automatically. Useful for Lua, Ruby, sh, VimScript, C and others.

###Fugitive A Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal


  • <leader>gd Git diff
  • <leader>ggs Git status
  • <leader>ggw Git write
  • <leader>gga Git add
  • <leader>ggb Git blame
  • <leader>ggco Git checkout
  • <leader>ggci Git commit
  • <leader>ggm Git move
  • <leader>ggr Git remove
  • <leader>ggl Git log

###Gundo Graph your undo tree with <F5> so you can actually USE it.

###NERD Tree Allows you to explore your filesystem and to open files and directories.


  • <leader>n Toggle NERD Tree
  • <leader>N Find the current file in the tree

###Syntastic Syntax checking on the fly.

###Tabular Configurable, flexible, intuitive text aligning.


  • <leader>T, Line up text at the commas
  • <leader>Tr Line up text at the rockets =>
  • <leader>T= Line up text at the equal sign
  • <leader>T: Line up text at the colons
  • <leader>T/ Line up text at the slash

###Tagbar Display tags of a file ordered by scope with <F8>

###UltiSnips Snippet management for the Vim editor. Expand trigger with <C-l>

Vim plugins extra configuration

You will need to complie YCM. If you want semantic support for C-family languages run:

cd ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe
./install.sh --clang-completer

However, without semantic support for C-family languages run:

cd ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe


Install Node via npm or n. It is less problematic than installed via homebrew


Inspiration and some code was taken from many sources, including:


  • Make .gitconfig more general. Get rid of my harcoded email and name, maybe?
  • Make the installation script compatible with Linux