Actions Runner dockerfile

This repo contains the Dockerfile for building images that can run self-hosted github runners. A helper script is provided for use on the deidcated server that launches the container and registers the runner with the specified development repo.

  • The development repository is hosted on
  • The github runner (or "action runner") is self-hosted on a dedicated server.
  • Github runners can be registered with development repositories in a many-to-many relationship.

Rebuild this dockerfile

  1. Clone the repo to your linux workstation:

  2. Build the dockerfile using your registry settings:

    BUILDKIT=1 docker build -t <github_account_url>/actions_runner:ubuntu2204 .
  3. push to your registry:

    docker push -t <github_account_url>/actions_runner:ubuntu2204 .

Note, you must setup a personal access token to push/pull this with the github docker registry used in the commands above.

Using the docker image on a server

You will need to install and grant permissions to the daemon:

sudo chmod 664 /var/run/docker.sock
  1. Upload the script to the server

  2. Modify the registry URL in the script to match your own docker registry

  3. Run the script using the following arguments:

    • NAME:
      • The chosen name for the container
    • URL:
      • The URL of the github repo
    • TOKEN:
      • The secret token of the github repo (see settings > Actions > Runners > Linux > Configure).
      • Note: these tokens can be viewed using the docker inspect command but the tokens expire quickly (after a couple of minutes).
  4. Exit the container (without killing it) by pressing Ctrl-P and then Ctrl-Q.

Note: to kill the container use docker stop <id> and docker rm <id> as usual. DOn't forget to the remove the runner from the settings page for the repository.