RX888 MK2 for SDR++ Plugin(WIP)
and my study a.k.a garbage plugins for SDR++ Whenever I feel like it, I maintain it or add new item and features.
Ubuntu 24.04 on x64/ Arch Linux on Raspberry Pi 5 /RaspiOS Bookworm on Raspberry Pi4B
Because I don't have an RX 888 in my house. Therefore, I do not know if it will work. And I don't have enough pocket money to order at the moment.
SDDC Plugin - Includes ExtIO and works as a stand-alone.
Use SDDC Plugin2 - Refer to libsddc.so.
FX AUDIO Sink Plugin -Up to 4 VST plug-in chain can be inserted into RTAudio's audio sink. Currently, only VST2 is supported.
NRAudio Sink Plugin - Improves signal-to-noise ratio using AI noise reduction RNNnoise. The current default model is ok for speech, but not suitable for listening to music.
SDAudio Sink Plugin - Old-school Noise reduction. Spectral denoise, filter, gate.
git clone https://github.com/AlexandreRouma/SDRPlusPlus.git
git clone https://github.com/crackerjacques/SDRPlusPlus_SDDC_Source_Plugin.git
git clone https://github.com/ik1xpv/ExtIO_sddc.git
cp -r SDRPlusPlus_SDDC_Source_Plugin/sddc_source SDRPlusPlus/source_modules
cp -r ExtIO_sddc SDRPlusPlus/source_modules/sddc_source/3rdparty
nano SDRPlusPlus/CMakeLists.txt
put those line to CMakeLists.txt in SDRpp root dir
option(OPT_BUILD_SDDC_SOURCE "Build SDDC Source Module (Dependencies: libsddc)" OFF)
cd SDRPlusPlus
mkdir build ; cd build
sudo make install
ccmake ..
sudo make install
I was able to confirm that it was compiled and displayed in the menu. I'll say it twice because it's important. I don't know if it will work yet.