convert .srt file to iZotope RX Marker Region List file

Primary LanguagePython


convert .srt file to iZotope RX Marker/Region List file It would be useful to remove the rereading of the lines with AI transcription (e.g. OpenAI Whisper).

OPENAI Whisper https://github.com/openai/whisper

How to Use


Download or clone this repo.

git clone https://github.com/crackerjacques/SRT2RX.git

If you use tk version, Please install requirement.

pip install tk

type like this

python srt2rx.py [your_file.srt] [your_result_file.txt]


_comment Version

Put dialogue to comment. Markers and region names follow defaults

TK Version

This is simple GUI implementation.


python srt2rx-tk.py

Simply select file and save.

Windows Executable version

Duble-Click to GO!!!!