Arturo gem demonstration

A basic demo of arturo with Rails 3.


Clone the repository and install the application dependencies:

git clone
cd arturo-test
bundle install

Prepare the database

bundle exec rake db:setup

It will be populated with dummy users and no features by default.

Trying out features

Visit http://localhost:3000 and use the selection menu in the top bar to switch users quickly.

The feature management interface is accessible via http://localhost:3000/features to the admin user only.

The home page contains a message that's part of the welcome_message feature. To enable this feature, sign into the feature management page as admin and create a new feature called welcome_message. Then adjust the slider to deploy to the percentage of users of your wish. Switch to different users on the home page to observe the feature deployment in action.

Another feature that you can enable is the honey_delivery feature.

Why Rails 3?

I encountered a bug when trying to integrate arturo in a Rails 4 application. Using the Rails 3 was the fastest way to get this demo up and running.