
The JSON-RPC specification outlines how clients can send multiple requests at the same time by filling the request objects in an array. This feature is implemented by Geth's API and can be used to cut network delays. Batching offers visible speed-ups specially when used for fetching larger amounts of mostly independent data objects.

Primary LanguagePython


采用BatchTx方法提高打铭文性能 一次性发出多个requests给rpc提升速度


The JSON-RPC specification outlines how clients can send multiple requests at the same time by filling the request objects in an array. This feature is implemented by Geth's API and can be used to cut network delays. Batching offers visible speed-ups specially when used for fetching larger amounts of mostly independent data objects.


num_transactions表示一次性发出的请求数量 tx的data为铭文16进制数据 my_address=to_address