
Repository for my installable software for Debian-based Linux distros

MIT LicenseMIT

Personal Package Archive

Repository for my installable software for Debian-based Linux distros.

Stores the following packages:

Installing Packages

Run the following commands once:

curl -s --compressed "https://craftablescience.info/ppa/debian/KEY.gpg" | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee "/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/craftablescience.gpg" > /dev/null
sudo curl -s --compressed -o "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/craftablescience.list" "https://craftablescience.info/ppa/debian/craftablescience.list"
sudo apt update

Packages stored in this repository will become accessible in apt, for example:

# Install VPKEdit
sudo apt install vpkedit