
A toy JVM implementation targeting java 11

Primary LanguageRust


matebabe is a toy JVM built in Rust targeting Java 11. As it is just developed in order to learn, it has no certain goals besides running some small programs that bring new challenges.


As matebabe does not come with it's own set of .java files for the required JVM classes, matebabe reads classfiles from a local built of OpenJDK 11.

In order to build OpenJDK, clone, and run:

bash configure --disable-warnings-as-errors

Note: building OpenJDK may already require a Java Installation.

This will built the whole JDK, although we are just interested in building the classes. After building is done, you may need to adjust the class_path variable in src/run.rs, depending on where the final build files are located relative to the directory matebabe is executed in.

matebabe itself is build in Rust, so a recent version of Rust is also required.


In order to run a class file, use matebabe run <classname>, eg: matebabe run Main