
Brew Controller

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

CraftBeerPI v2.2

The Raspberry PI base Home Brewing Software

Website: www.CraftBeerPI.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/craftbeerpi

Facebook User Group: www.facebook.com/groups/craftbeerpi/


  • Simple and easy installation script
  • Flexible Kettle Setup - From simple 1 kettle preserving cooker to 3 kettle RIMS or HERMS setup
  • Flexible Brew Step Configuraiton - Configure your own brew steps. From mashing over boiling to whirlpool
  • Automatic Timer Control. The Step Control will take care of your brew steps.
  • Import Recipes from "Kleiner Brauhelfer" -Plan your brew at "Kleiner Brauhelfer" and import the recipes to CraftBeerPI
  • Heater & Agitator Control - Control heater and agitator via web interface
  • Temperature Chart - Temperature data is recorded and display as a line chart
  • Mobile Device UI - Control your brew form Smartphone or Tablet
  • Additional Hardware like pumps or vents can be controlled
  • Brew Automatic with Overshoot Logic, PID Logic, Fermentation Logic.
  • Custom Automatic logics can be add
  • Recipe Book
  • Support für GPIO, PiFace or Gembird USB Socket
  • Temperature can be measured in Fahrenheit or Celcius
  • Fermentation Controller
  • Beer.xml Import

You will find lots of pictures of different setup on the CraftBeerPi Facebook Page


CraftBeerPi is a free & open source project. If you like to support the project I happy about a donation:


Support & Communities

The Community of CraftBeerPi is quite active.



German Forum:


Australian Forum:


US Forum:


Canadian Forum:


Norwegian Forum


Brazilian Forum http://www.homebrewtalk.com.br/showthread.php?t=408096




Raspbian (Noobs)

Here you will find the guide to install Raspbian


Please select Raspbina as operating system.

CraftBeer PI Installation

Watch the installation video or read the installation steps below


Clone CraftBeerPI from GitHub. Open the shell on your Raspberry PI and type the following command.

git clone https://github.com/Manuel83/craftbeerpi.git

Setup Script

After cloning the program to your Raspberry PI you just have to run the install.sh script. The script will guide you through the installation process.

sudo ./install.sh

Automatic start after boot

As part of the installation you will ask if you like to start CraftBeerPI after boot automatically. If you have selected this at the first installation just run the installation again and select 'y' when you are ask if CraftBeerPI should start after boot.

Start the Server manually

sudo python runserver.py

The App is now available under: http://<server_id>:5000


Kleiner Brauhelfer Import

To import the database from "Kleiner Brauhelfer" select "Steps". There you will find a button "Import Kleiner Brauhelfer". Upload the kb_daten.sqlite of Kleiner Brauhelfer.

You will find the sqlite file on your computer at.

Windows: USER_HOME/.kleiner-brauhelfer/kb_daten.sqlite

Mac: USER_HOME/.kleiner-brauhelfer/kb_daten.sqlite

Refresh the "Import Kleiner Brauhelfer" page. Select the brew you want to load. After this you will asked for the MashTun and the Boil kettle of the brew.

Hardware Setup

  • 1 x 1-wire Temperatursensor DS1820 Waterproof! (ebay)
  • Thermowell stainless steel - in gewünschter Länge (sensorshop24.de)
  • 1 x 4.7k Ohm Resistor (Pollin.de, Conrad.de, Reichelt.de)
  • Jumper Cable (ebay)
  • 2 x Solid-State Relais XURUI (Pollin.de, Conrad.de, Reichelt.de)
  • Heatsink KAB-60 (Pollin.de, Conrad.de, Reichelt.de)
  • Breadboard SYB-46 (Pollin.de, Conrad.de, Reichelt.de)
  • Raspberry Pi (Model A+, 2 Model B) + Power Cable + SDCard (Pollin.de, Conrad.de, Reichelt.de)

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Use with CHIP computer

NextThing Co sells the C.H.I.P. Computer which offers similar functionality to a RaspberryPI. It is less expensive however, and has 4GB storage plus wifi built in. Access to GPIO is available, and 1wire thermometer devices are supported as well.

The 1wire device must send data in through port LCD-D2.

GPIO pin names can be found at https://github.com/xtacocorex/CHIP_IO

Start CraftBeerPI in Kiosk Mode

The Kiosk Mode requires that CraftBeerPI is start at boot. Make sure that SSH is still enabled otherwise its not possible remove this kiosk mode.

sudo raspi-config

Change your boot to desktop environment. This will start-up the GUI instead of the CLI and automatically will login to user 'pi'.

Install Chromium Browser

sudo apt-get install chromium

Change startup Config

sudo nano /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart

Change the file that it looks like this

@lxpanel --profile LXDE
@pcmanfm --desktop --profile LXDE
@xset s off
@xset -dpms
@xset s noblank
@sed -i 's/"exited_cleanly": false/"exited_cleanly": true/' ~/.config/chromium/Default/Preferences
@chromium --noerrdialogs --kiosk http://localhost:5000 --incognito

Reboot the Raspberry PI

sudo reboot

User Pictures

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