
Rector rules for updating plugins and modules to Craft CMS 4.

Primary LanguagePHP

Rector Rules for Craft CMS

This package provides Rector rules for updating Craft CMS plugins and modules for:

Craft CMS 3 → 4

First, ensure Craft 3.7.35 or later is Composer-installed. (Prior versions of Craft weren’t compatible with Rector.)

composer update craftcms/cms 

Then run the following commands:

composer require php:^8.0.2 --ignore-platform-reqs
composer config minimum-stability dev
composer config prefer-stable true
composer require craftcms/rector:dev-main --dev --ignore-platform-reqs
vendor/bin/rector process src --config vendor/craftcms/rector/sets/craft-cms-40.php

If you have code that extends Craft Commerce classes, you can run the following command as well:

vendor/bin/rector process src --config vendor/craftcms/rector/sets/craft-commerce-40.php

Once Rector is complete, you’re ready to update craftcms/cms.

composer require craftcms/cms:^4.0.0-alpha -W --ignore-platform-reqs

Craft CMS 4 → 5

Run the following commands:

composer require php:^8.2 --ignore-platform-reqs
composer config minimum-stability dev
composer config prefer-stable true
composer require craftcms/rector:dev-main --dev --ignore-platform-reqs
vendor/bin/rector process src --config vendor/craftcms/rector/sets/craft-cms-50.php

Once Rector is complete, you’re ready to update craftcms/cms:

composer require craftcms/cms:^5.0.0-beta.1 -W --ignore-platform-reqs


Advanced Configuration

If you’d like to include additional Rector rules, or customize which files/directories should be processed, you’ll need to give your project a rector.php file.

Here’s an example which runs the Craft 4 rule set, but skips over a src/integrations/ folder:

declare(strict_types = 1);

use craft\rector\SetList as CraftSetList;
use Rector\Core\Configuration\Option;
use Rector\Config\RectorConfig;

return static function(RectorConfig $rectorConfig): void {
    // Skip the integrations folder
        __DIR__ . '/src/integrations',

    // Import the Craft 4 upgrade rule set