
Send SMS, OTP in Laravel using Msg91 Apis

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Laravel service provider for Msg91

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This is a laravel service provider for Msg91 APIs. It wraps the msg91-php client and provides the same functionality for Laravel applications by exposing a Service Provider and Facade.

Table of Contents


The packages is available on Packagist and can be installed via Composer by executing following command in shell.

composer require craftsys/msg91-laravel


  • php^7.1
  • laravel^5|^6|^7|^8|^9|^10

The package is tested for 5.8+,^6.0,^7.0,^8.0,^9.0,^10.0 only. If you find any bugs for laravel (5.0< >5.8), please file an issue.

Laravel 5.5+

If you're using Laravel 5.5 or above, the package will automatically register the Craftsys\Msg91\Msg91LaravelServiceProvider provider and aliases Craftsys\Msg91\Facade\Msg91 facade to Msg91.

Laravel 5.4 and below

Add Craftsys\Msg91\Msg91LaravelServiceProvider to the providers array in your config/app.php:

'providers' => [
     // Other service providers...

If you want to use the facade interface, you can use the facade class when needed:

use Craftsys\Msg91\Facade\Msg91;

Or add an alias in your config/app.php

'aliases' => [
    // other aliases here
    'Msg91' => Craftsys\Msg91\Facade\Msg91::class,

To verify that everything is working as expected, excecute the following php code somewhere in your application, either in an example route or in php artisan tinker if you are in Laravel.

// this should print the `\Craftsys\Msg91\OTP\OTPService` of some default configuration values
echo Msg91::otp()::class

If there is an issue, please check the steps again or open an issue for support.


As the msg91-php offers configuration that are similar to Laravel's configuration, this package simply ports the Laravel's configuration to the msg91-php client.

The package can be configured by providing a msg91 key inside your config/services.php configuration file.


return [
  // along with other services
  "msg91" => [
    'key' => env("Msg91_KEY"),

and update the .env file to get the desired values e.g. Msg91_KEY.

Please visit msg91-php configuration for a detailed description about the available options and their default values.


Once you have Configured the Laravel/Lumen application to use the service provider and have aliased the facade to Msg91, you will have a msg91-php client (Craftsys\Msg91\Client) instance.

// send otp

// resend otp

// verify otp

// send sms

// in bulk
Msg91::sms()->to([919999999999, 918899898990])->flow('<flow_id>')->send();

// with variables in your flow template
Msg91::sms()->to([919999999999, 918899898990])->flow('<flow_id>')->variable('variable_name', 'value')->send();

// with variables per recipient
  ['mobiles' => 919999999999, 'name' => 'Sudhir M'],
  ['mobiles' => 918899898990, 'name' => 'Craft Sys']

Follow along with examples to learn more


Managing OTPs

OTP services like sending, verifying, and resending etc, can be accessed via otp method on the client instance e.g. Msg91::otp().

For a detailed usage, please visit msg91-php's documentation on managing OTPs.

Send OTP

    ->to(912343434312) // phone number with country code
    ->template('your_template_id') // set the otp template
    ->send(); // send the otp

Verify OTP

Msg91::otp(1234) // OTP to be verified
    ->to(912343434312) // phone number with country code
    ->verify(); // Verify

Resend OTP

    ->to(912343434312) // set the mobile with country code
    ->viaVoice() // set the otp sending method (can be "viaText" as well)
    ->resend(); // resend otp

Sending SMS

    ->to(912343434312) // set the mobile with country code
    ->flow("your_flow_id_here") // set the flow id
    ->send(); // send

Bulk SMS

    ->to([912343434312, 919898889892]) // set the mobiles with country code
    ->flow("your_flow_id_here") // set the flow id
    ->send(); // send

Message Variables

// send in bulk with variables    
    ->to([912343434312, 919898889892]) // set the mobiles with country code
    ->flow("your_flow_id_here") // set the flow id
    ->variable('date', "Sunday") // the the value for variable "date" in your flow message template
    ->send(); // send
// send in bulk with variables per recipient
    ->to([912343434312, 919898889892]) // set the mobiles with country code
    ->flow("your_flow_id_here") // set the flow id
      ['mobiles' => 919999223345, 'name' => 'Sudhir M'],
      ['mobiles' => 912929223345, 'name' => 'Craft Sys']
    // (optionally) set a "date" variable for all the recipients
    ->variable('date', "Sunday")
    ->send(); // send

For a detailed usage and options, please visit msg91-php's documentation on sending SMSs.

Handling Responses

All the services will return \Craftsys\Msg91\Support\Response instance for all successfully responses or will throw exceptions if request validation failed (\Craftsys\Msg91\Exceptions\ValidationException)or there was an error in the response (\Craftsys\Msg91\Exceptions\ResponseErrorException).

try {
    $response = $client->otp()->to(919999999999)->send();
} catch (\Craftsys\Msg91\Exceptions\ValidationException $e) {
    // issue with the request e.g. token not provided
} catch (\Craftsys\Msg91\Exceptions\ResponseErrorException $e) {
    // error thrown by msg91 apis or by http client
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    // something else went wrong
    // plese report if this happens :)

For all the examples and options, please consult msg91-php examples section



We are grateful to the authors of existing related projects for their ideas and collaboration: