The App is developed for a bookstore planning to build a mobile app in the nesrest future, but do not current have an API to make it work.
We are to build apis for the book inventory where guest can view all books and details of each books with their ratings. Users will be able create books, update the books they created and delete it. Users can also rate books only once. Guest cannot rate a book.
Registration and Login
* POST { api/v1/register }
Fields: name, email, password
* POST {api/v1/login}
Fields: email, password * List all books with their average ratings
GET { api/v1/books }
* Show a book details
GET { api/v1/books/:id}
* Create a book by autheticate users
POST {api/v1/books}
* Update a book by users
Field: title, description, author, dateOfPublication, user_id
PUT {api/v1/books/:id}
* Delete a book
DELETE {api/v1/books/:id}
* Rate a book by user
POST {api/v1/books/:id/ratings}
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