The following URL provides one year historical stock price quotes from Yahoo finance

def pricesURL(businessDate : java.time.LocalDate, ticker: String) : String = { val lastYear = businessDate.minusYears(1) val url =f"$ticker&a=${lastYear.getMonthValue}&b=${lastYear.getDayOfMonth}&c=${lastYear.getYear}&d=${today.getMonthValue}&e=${today.getDayOfMonth}&f=${today.getYear}&g=d&ignore=.csv" }

Task Please write Scala functions that will return

/* 1 - 1 year historic prices given a ticker */ def dailyPrices(ticker: String) : List[Double]

/* 2- daily returns, where return = ( Price_Today – Price_Yesterday)/Price_Yesterday */ def returns(ticker:String) : Seq[Double]

/* 3 – 1 year mean returns */ def meanReturn(ticker:String): Double

/* example usage */ val googleDailyPrices = dailyPrices("GOOG") val googleDailyReturns = returns("GOOG") val googleAverageReturns = meanrReturn("GOOG")