
A Bukkit, hMod and Vanilla plugin to fix online-mode for old Minecraft servers.

Primary LanguageJava


A Bukkit, hMod and Vanilla plugin to fix online-mode for old Minecraft servers.



  1. Move the jar into your server's plugin folder.
  2. Set online-mode to true in the server.properties file.


  1. Move the jar into your server's plugin folder.
  2. Add the plugin to the plugins list in server.properties (ex. plugins=OnlineModeFix).
  3. Set online-mode to true in the server.properties file.

Vanilla (and any other modded servers)

  1. Move the jar next to your server jar.
  2. Launch the server using this command:

java -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=gg.codie.mineonline.protocol -cp minecraft_server.jar;OnlineModeFix.jar net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer