mcuoneclipse ============ Please see the readme files inside the folders. Don't forget to read the Wiki pages. To follow on this project (and beyond): follow my blog on Erich List of Components: =================== Component Description ------------------------------------------------------------------ 24AA_EEPROM Microchip 24AA EEPROM driver. 74HC164 Driver for the 74HC164. 74HC595 Driver for 74HC595. App_SMAC_Hell Demo application component for the SMAC stack. AT25HP512 Driver for the AT25HP512 EEPROM. BitIO_to_PCA9554 Driver to map bit I/O to the PC9554 I2C Exander. Bluetooth_EGBT HC05/06 Bluetooth module driver. BootLoaderDisk File System for Bootloader. BootLoaderUSB Bootloader over USB. ChLCD Driver for Kent bistable display. CriticalSection EnterCritical() and ExitCritical() implemenation. CTouchScanner Capacitive touch scanner. CTouchSensor Sensor implementation for capacitive touch sensor. DCF77 DCF-77 Radio signal receiver. DS18B20 One-temperature sensor (experimental). FAT_FileSystem FAT FatFS File System. FatFsMem_USB_MSD Memory Implementation for FatFS using USB MSD. FatFsMemSDHC Memory Manager for FatFS using SDHC_LDD. FontDisplay Draw text on a graphical display. FreeRTOS FreeRTOS Operating System. FreeRTOSTrace Trace hook implementation for FreeRTOS. FSL_USB_CDC_Device USB CDC Device for FSL USB Stack. FSL_USB_HID_Keyboard_Device USB HID Keyboard device for FSL USB Stack. FSL_USB_HID_Mouse_Device USB HID Mouse device for FSL USB Stack. FSL_USB_MSD_Host USB MSD Host for FSL USB Stack. FSL_USB_Stack Wrapper for Freescale USB Stack. GDisplay Graphical Display drawing routines. GenericBitIO Generic Bit I/O. GenericI2C Generic Software I2C driver, on top of a low level one (e.g. HW I2C or GenericSWI2C). GenericKBI Generic KBI interface for S08. GenericSPI Generic SPI implementation. GenericSWI2C Generic Software I2C with 'bit banging'. GenericSWSPI Generic Software SPI with 'bit banging'. GenericTimeDate Generic Date/Time handling. GFont Graphical Fonts. HardFault Hard Fault handler for Kinetis to simplify debugging of HardFault exceptions. I2CSpy Utility to inspect I2C devices. KentChLCD Display driver Kent bistable displays. Key Push button driver with debouncing. KinetisSDK Wrapper component needed for using Kinetis SDK. KinetisTools Utility functions for Kinetis family of microprocessors. LCDHTA HD44780 2x16 Character Display Driver. LED Universal LED driver. LEDbit Same as LED, but using different name to avoid name conflict. LEDByte Array of LED driver. LEDMatrix Driver for LED matrix (rows and columns). LEDReverseBias LED driver to use LED as ambient light sensor. LEDSensor LED sensor for LED ambient light sensor. LightComm Communication software using normal LEDs. LM61B Driver for LM61B temperature sensor. LowPower Simple low power driver (S08). MAG3110 Freescale MAG3110 magnetometer driver. MaxonF2140 DC Motor driver (PWM for speed, BitIO for direction). MC13192 Wireless Transceiver Driver for MC1321x and MC13192/MC1320x. MC34673 Freescale MC34673 Li-Ion Battery Power Management IC. minIni Minimal .ini file implementation. MMA7260Q Freescale MMA7260Q accelerometer. MMA7455L Freescale MMA7455L accelerometer. MMA8451Q Freescale MMA8451Q accelerometer. MPR08x Freescale MPR08x touch sensor IC. MPVZ5004 Freescale MPVZ5004 pressure sensor. nRF24L01 Nordic Semiconductor nRF24L01+ 2.4GHz transceiver. OLED OLED display driver. OneWire One-Wire communication driver (experimental). PCA9554 NXP PCA9554(A) I2C I/O Expander. PCA9554BitIO BitIO interface to PCA9554. PDC8544 Display Driver for black/white Philips display found in Nokia phones. PercepioTrace Percepio FreeRTOS+Trace. PID_Float PID implementation for floating point values. PID_Int PID Control Loop with Integer values. PtConv PT100/PT1000 temperature conversion. PWMServo16bit Servo driver for 16bit PWM on ColdFire V2. QuadCounter Quadratur Decoder with sampling or Input Capture. RingBuffer Ring Buffer for 8, 16 and 32bit entries. RNet Radio remote wireless network stack. RTC_Maxim Maxim I2C RTC device driver for DS3232 and DS1307. S19 S19 File Parser. S65Sharp Display driver for the Sharp S65 displays. SD_Card Low Level SD-Card driver for FatFS. Servo PWM Servo driver. Shell Command line shell implementation. SimpleEvents Simple Event Flags. SMAC SMAC 2.4 GHz stack for MC13213 and MC13201. SSEC Security driver for SPHY. SPHY PHY driver for SMAC. SPIHCS08 SPI wrapper for SPI perhiperhal on S08. SSD1289 Solomon Systech SSD1289 LCD. SSEC Encryption for SMAC. Tacho Tachometer. Timeout Timeout handler. TouchScreen Touchscreen driver for the TWR-LCD. TouchScreenSensor Touchscreen sensor for TWR-LCD. Trigger Trigger module implementing mini-threads. uCOS_II uCOS-II RTOS wrapper. UI Graphical User Interface. UIButton Button widget for UI. UICalendar Calendar widget for UI. UICheckBox Checkbox widget for UI. UIDialogWindow DialogWindow widget for UI. uIGraph Linegraph widget for UI. UIHeader Window header widget for UI. UIIcon Icon widget for UI. UIScreen Screen widget for UI. UIScrollmenu Screllmenu widget for UI. UISlider Slider widget for UI. UISpace Virtual widget for UI. UIText Text widget for UI. UIWindow Window widget for UI. USB_CMX CMX USB stack wrapper (ColdFire V2). USB_HID_CMX USB (HID) device with CMX stack (ColdFire V2). USB_Host_CMX USB (HID) host with CMS Stack (ColdFire V2). UserInterface Collection of GUI widgets for small LCDs (depreciated by UI component). UTI Driver for Smartec UTI Universal Transducer IC. Utility Utility functions. Wait Busy Waiting Routines. XFormat String formatting utility functions.