+-------------------------------------+ | mealplanner -- a pika webapp | | | | by Jon Evans - http://craftyjon.com | | public domain | +-------------------------------------+ mealplanner is a program that aims to help pika's kitchen run more effectively. The goal of the project is to put several parts of pika's kitchen on the web. This information is visible to anyone with a web browser, and will also be displayed on a wall-mounted kiosk screen in the corner of the kitchen. The only app available right now is called "lates" and handles signups for lates (saved portions of pika dinner available to people on mealplan). The app accepts signups over the web and by email (work in progress). The app will also expose an API that allows developers to make apps for phones, plugins for other programs, and various other ways of connecting to the service to send or receive updates. Eventually, mealplanner will support managing signups for cooking and cleaning, with features such as backup cooks/cleaners, trades, substitute finding, etc. =========== Directories =========== /design/ - some design documents. Add your own concept art and code for new features here! /mealplanner/ - the django project /static/ - CSS, images, and script. This is served from a different webserver. =========================== Contributing to the project =========================== * Report issues! Use the github issue tracker to report bugs and request features. * Can you program python? Talk to jevans (cdawzrd@gmail.com) about what things you want to tackle * Do you want to develop an interface for your [phone|im client|toaster]? See the above bullet. * Suggest features! ================ Running the code ================ You will need python, python-django, and your favorite web server (I use nginx, you might be more familiar with Apache). Check out the git repository. Create a new config for your webserver at, and point it at the /static/ directory. Run the django app with "python manage.py runserver 8000" or any other port. The program will now be running at