
Scripts and packaging needed to create an LRP that can upgrade a legacy CentOS 6.5 system to CentOS 7.2


cd into the scripts directory and run the following scripts:

  • ./makeNmUsbUpgrade.sh <version> <NMCentOSUpgrade-directory> <kickstart-build-directory> [buildRPMS-num]
  • ./makePreCheckLrp.sh <version>
  • ./makeUpgradeLrp.sh <version> <iso-usb-directory>

for example:

    ./makeNmUsbUpgrade.sh /home/jgress/wk /home/jgress/kickstart 71
    ./makeUpgradeLrp.sh /home/jgress/kickstart


It is possible to boot an iso image from a physical partition using grub2. To upgrade NetMon with CentOS 6.5 to NetMon with CentOS 7.2 using an lrp, the following is necessary:

  1. Install and configure grub2 on the CentOS 6.5 system.
  2. Delete the existing physical volume on the sda2 partition which contains the root, home, and swap logical volumes.
  3. Recreate a new sda partitioning to add a third partition large enough to hold the iso image.
  4. Create an ext2 file system on the new sda3 partition, and copy the iso image into that partition
  5. Modify the initramfs-2.6.32-573.7.1.el6.x86_64.img to perform the repartitioning. The "init" script in the initramfs is modified to do the following:
  • Repartition the sda drive as described above.
  • Copy the iso image into the sda3 partition.
  • Reboot the system and run the iso image.
  1. The iso image must be properly prepared to recreate the root, home, and swap partitions while reusing the existing /usr/local and pcap partitions. The iso image must also be able to move the metadata and configuration in /usr/local to a saved location during the install and then recover the saved data so it is available when the upgraded system starts up.

lrp contents

  • Upgrade iso.usb file
  • Modified initrd-nuclear.img file
  • grub custom menu options file
  • grub2 rpm file
  • script to check system for suitability to perform the upgrade successfully
  • script to install and configure grub2
  • script to copy iso and initrd files to proper locations
  • script to save metadata and configuration
  • script to configure grub to reboot with option 2 and reboot the system.

Assumptions about upgrade target

  • System is running 2.6.32-573.7.1.el6.x86_64 linux kernel.
  • System has /boot partition on /dev/sda1 partition.
  • System has /dev/sda1 partition starting at sector 2048 and size 1024000.
  • System has /dev/sda2 partition starting at sector 1026048 and size 583817216.
  • System has vg_probe00 volume group allocated on /dev/sda2 partition.
  • System has vg_probe01 volume group allocated on /dev/sdb1 partition.
  • System has lv_data logical volume on vg_probe01 volume group.
  • System has lv_pcapX logical volume on vg_probe01 volume group, where X is blank, 0, 1, or 2.
  • /dev/mapper/vg_probe01-lv_data is mounted on /usr/local mount point.
  • Removable disk media (USB drives) are not connected to the system.

Building a custom nuclear initrd image

  • Start with the /boot/initramfs-2.6.32-573.7.1.el6.x86_64.img
  • unpack the initramfs from the /boot directory. For example:
    • mkdir initrd
    • cd initrd
    • gunzip -c /boot/initramfs-2.6.32-573.7.1.el6.x86_64.img | cpio -i –make-directories

Modify the contents of the initrd directory

  • Add sdaDiskPart to initrd:

    # partition table of /dev/sda
    unit: sectors

    /dev/sda1 : start=     2048, size=  1024000, Id=83, bootable
    /dev/sda2 : start=  1026048, size=114483200, Id=8e
    /dev/sda3 : start=115509248, size= 10240000, Id=83
    /dev/sda4 : start=        0, size=        0, Id= 0

Modify the init script

  • Add the following to the init script just after the rdbreak=initqueue:

    [ -x /bin/plymouth ] && /bin/plymouth --hide-splash
    echo Nuclear Option - reformat sda drive
    sleep 5
    echo Wait for sda2 drive
    while [ ! -e /dev/sda2 ] && [ $sda2CheckCnt -le 60 ]; do
       echo $sda2CheckCnt Waiting for sda2
       sleep 1
    if [ ! -e /dev/sda2 ]; then
       echo Break to shell. sda2 not found.
       echo Upgrade can not be applied.
       echo type \"exit\" to reboot.
       # Reboot the system
       echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger
    # Delete any remnants of the root physical volume with its volume group and logical volumes.
    echo Delete the root physical volume
    /sbin/lvm pvremove -ff -y /dev/sda2
    /bin/dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda2 count=1k bs=16k
    sleep 1

    # Format the sda drive with new partitions
    /sbin/sfdisk --force /dev/sda < /sdaDiskPart
    sleep 1
    # reload the new disk partitioning into the kernel
    /sbin/hdparm -z /dev/sda
    sleep 1
    /sbin/mkfs.ext2 /dev/sda3
    echo sda drive reformated
    ls -lh /dev/sda*
    sleep 2
  • Add the following to the init script just after the source_all pre-mount:

    echo Copy iso image to new sda3 partition ...
    mkdir /usrlocal
    mount /dev/mapper/vg_probe01-lv_data /usrlocal
    mkdir /lrup
    mount /dev/sda3 /lrup

    cp /usrlocal/iso/nm_install* /lrup/

    echo iso image copied to sda3 partition
    echo Waiting for unmount of lrup partition.
    until umount /lrup
       echo Waiting for unmount of lrup partition.
       sleep 1

    echo Backup configuration data to be restored after the upgrade.
    mkdir -p /usrlocal/save
    mv /usrlocal/probe/conf /usrlocal/save/
    mv /usrlocal/probe/userLua /usrlocal/save/
    mkdir -p /usrlocal/save/apiLua
    mv /usrlocal/probe/apiLua/usr /usrlocal/save/apiLua
    mkdir -p /usrlocal/save/elasticsearch
    mv /usrlocal/probe/db/elasticsearch/data /usrlocal/save/elasticsearch/

    # Remove all remaining remnants of CentOS 6.5 Network Monitor before upgrading
    rm -rf /usrlocal/probe/
    rm -rf /usrlocal/www/
    rm -rf /usrlocal/kibana*

    echo Waiting for unmount of usrlocal partition.
    until umount /usrlocal
       echo Waiting for unmount of usrlocal partition.
       sleep 1

    # The third grub boot menu option is to install from the iso file in sda3
    echo Change grub to boot the third menu option on next boot
    mkdir /boot
    mount /dev/sda1 /boot
    sed -i -e "s/next_entry=.*$/next_entry=3/g" /boot/grub/grubenv
    echo Waiting for unmount of boot partition
    until umount /boot
       echo Waiting for unmount of boot partition
       sleep 1
    sleep 2
    # Reboot the system
    echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger

Add necessary tools to initrd directory

  • cp /sbin/sfdisk sbin/
  • cp /sbin/mkfs.ext2 sbin/
  • cp -a /lib64/libext2fs.so.2* lib64/
  • cp -a /lib64/libcom_err.so.2* lib64/
  • cp -a /lib64/libe2p.so.2* lib64/
  • yum install hdparm-9.43-4.el6.x86_64
  • cp /sbin/hdparm sbin/

Creating a new initrd-nuclear.img

  • From the initrd directory:
    • find ./ | cpio -H newc -o >/tmp/initrd-cpio
    • gzip -c /tmp/initrd.cpio > /boot/initrd-nuclear.img

Data to be saved before upgrading

During the reformatting of the sda drive in the initrd; configuration and metadata in /usr/local/probe partition is moved to a a save directory outside /usr/local/probe. The /usr/local/probe directory is deleted to ensure a clean install is completed with a new /usr/local/probe directory.
Also /usr/local/www and /usr/local/kibana* are removed; again to ensure a clean install of those components.

  • Move /usr/local/probe/db/elasticsearch/data to /usr/local/save/data
  • Move /usr/local/probe/conf/* files to /usr/local/save/conf
  • Move /usr/local/probe/userLua/* files to /usr/local/save/userLua
  • Move /usr/local/probe/apiLua/usr/* files to /usr/local/save/apiLua/usr

Post Install steps

  • chown files that need new ownership
    • chown -R elasticsearch:dpi /usr/local/probe/db/elasticsearch/data
    • chown -R dpi:dpi /pcap0
  • Restore nm.yaml settings saved in /usr/local/save/conf/nm.yaml
    • Can the entire nm.yaml file be restored?
    • pcapInterface may need to be updated to modify ethX or other non bond0 setting.
  • Restore apiLua/usr/* files to /usr/local/probe/apiLua/usr