Next step is to build a Docker compose environment that links on container with CB and another running the services, allowing the CB image to be updated
This is a sample project shows how to build a search feature using Bleve/Couchbase FTS
pull docker couchbase
docker run -d --name couchmovies -p 8000:8000 -p 8080:8080 -p 6459:6459 -p 8091-8096:8091-8096 -p 11210-11211:11210-11211 couchbase
docker exec -it couchmovies bash
apt-get update
apt-get -y install git sudo
useradd -m -p $(openssl passwd -1 demo) demo
usermod -aG sudo demo
echo '%sudo ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL' >> /etc/sudoers
echo "PATH=/opt/couchbase/bin:\$PATH" >> /home/demo/.profile
su -l demo
git clone
cd couchmovies/build
. .env
# At this point, it is prudent to check that there are three populated buckets
# and all created indices are ready
Other than having the server running, you need three additional processes. While you could run these in the same temrminal and background them, I typically run them in separate terminals
For historical reasons,this project is built out of the root directory. To build the service, run
mvn clean install
Followed by
mvn spring-boot-run
This simple HTTP server serves up the single content page, but, for cross domain authentication reasons, it needs to be run on the same server as the microservice
With this server running, you should see the Couchmovies page load on http://localhost:8000/couchmovies.html
You should prepare to run this process, but don't run it until you have shown the Tableau dashboard as-is, with the single tweet. The Tableau dashboard is wholly unhappy if there is no data in the dataset, so we start with a single tweet.
This process pulls the tweets from the tweetSource bucket and puts them into the tweetTarget bucket at a rate of 4 per second (it would be nice to pass a parameter in to control the rate some day).
You can reset the tweetTarget bucket to contain a single tweet using
cd build
. .env
OPTIONAL: If you want to enable the image cover (the image that appears when you click over a movie) you will need to install a chrome driver:
brew cask install chromedriver //on mac
And then update the path to your chrome driver in the class ""