
Starter Project for Alexa SDK using TypeScript, Yarn, Chai, Mocha

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Amazon Alexa Starter in TypeScript

// How this project was setup

Project Dependencies

Install Yarn

brew install yarn

Install Alexa SDK

yarn add alexa-sdk

Install TypeScript

npm install -g typescript

Install DefinitelyTyped (Typings Deprecated)

npm install --save-dev @types/alexa-sdk
yarn add @types/alexa-sdk --dev

Install Chai & Chai

yarn add chai
yarn add mocha
yarn global add mocha

Install AWS Lambda Mock Context

yarn add aws-lambda-mock-context

Initialize TypeScript

tsc --init // creates tsconfig.json file 

Setup TypeScript Compiler in VS Code

In tsconfig.json

  1. add "watch": true,
  2. uncomment "sourceMap": true,

Mac [Command] + [Shift] + P > Tasks: Configure Task Runner In .vscode > tasks.json, add the following object to the tasks array:

        "taskName": "tsc",
        "type": "shell",
        "command": "tsc",
        "problemMatcher": "$tsc"

Test by saving a change in index.ts. You should see index.js and index.js.map files output in the src directory

Coding Concepts

index.ts - basic typescript class

Create Sample Speech Patterns / utterances

utterances.txt - list all possible user phrases


Run tests
