Test Run

Test run with for e2e testing.

These tests are a separate repo for testing a React application found at The tests assume the React app is running on port 3000.

Installing Cypress

npm i -D cypress

Open Cypress interface

npx cypress open

Set Base URL

  • Go to cypress.json
  "baseUrl": "http://localhost:3000"

Test Syntax

  • Add data-cy attributes on DOM elements
  • visit page with cy.visit('http://localhost:3000/example-3');
  • with baseUrl, visit with cy.visit('/example-3');
  • Select data-cy with cy.get('[data-cy="my-unique-identifier"]')
  • Use CSS selector syntax cy.get('[data-cy="my-unique-identifier"] > :nth-child(2) > span')
  • Aliasing with as
  • Actions

    • click cy.get('@charsLeftSpan').click()
    • dblclick cy.get('@charsLeftSpan').dblclick()
    • type cy.get('@input').type('Hello world')
    • select cy.get('@select').select('Option 2')
    • trigger
      • mouseup, mousedown, mouseover
      • mouseenter, mouseleave
      • touchstart, touchend
      • click, dblclick
              .trigger('mouseover', /* optional top */, /* optional left */)
  • Expecting

    • grabbing text
    • should'ing
    cy.get("h1").invoke("text").should("equal", "My Awesome Web Application");
    • working with results (not a promise)
    cy.get("@charsLeftSpan").then(($charsLeftSpan) => {
      //** $charsLeftSpan is DOM element; not a promise */
      // ** Use Chai expect, jQuery **/
  • Assertions

    • val .should('equal', 'some value')
    • attr val .should('have.attr', 'style', 'color: orange;')
    • chaining .should('have.class', 'active').and('have.attr', 'href')
    • check length .should('have.length', 4)
    • get attr value .invoke('attr', 'data-test-id').should('equal', 'test-example')
    • check if element exists .should('exist'), .should('not.exist')
    • check visibility .should('be.visible'), .should('')
    • check CSS class .should('have.class', 'selected')
    • check style .should('have.css', 'background-color', 'blue')
    • check text content .invoke('text').should('equal', 'Hello world')
    • more text content .should('contain','string'), .should('not.contain', 'string')
  • Automatic Retrying

    • retry until pas
    • use case - API call
    • do not use timeout
    • retries .get(), not interactions like .click() or .type()
    • only retries failing commands
    • retries until passes or until timeout reached
  • Debugging Cypress

    • Simply Debugger

      • add debugger in a .then(()=>{}) , open dev tools > console
          .then(() => {
      • or simply by adding .debug()
      • In console, type subject to inspect jQuery element
  • Environment Variables

    • Ex: can change url depending on envt
    • Ex: specify secret keys
    • Add directly to machine (Mac, Linux)
    $ export CYPRESS_MY_ENV_VAR='hello'
    • Access envt var in cypress spec file
    // my-test.spec.js
    • Remove set envt var
    $ unset CYPRESS_MY_ENV_VAR
    • OR pass flag when running cypress from command line
    $ npx cypress open --env MY_ENV_VAR="world"
    • OR add to cypress.json file
      "baseUrl": "http://localhost:3000",
      "env": {
        "MY_VAR": "planet"
    • OR create a file cypress.env.json (add to gitignore)
      "MY_ENV_VAR": "Hello universe"
  • Test Doubles

    • Avoid mocking, stubbing generally
    • want to make sure app works in similar-to-real environment
    • use-cases
      • log in flow
      • server errors
    • wraps Sinon.js
    • mock API calls cy.stub()
    import { api } from "./my-api";
    cy.stub(api, "getUser").returns({ name: "My name" });
    cy.stub(api, "getUser").resolves({ name: "My name" });
    cy.stub(api, "getUser").rejects();
    • watch methods cy.spy()
    const mySpy = cy.spy(api, "getUser");
  • Useful commands

    • cy.wrap
      cy.get('h1').then($element => {
    • cy.and
    • .filter, .not
    • special characters
      • Enter
      • Tab
      • Esc, etc.
    cy.get("input").type("This is a test {Enter}");
    • VS Code code completion - add /// <reference types="Cypress" /> to type of file
    /// <reference types="Cypress" />
    • add jsonconfig.json file
      "include": ["./node_modules/cypress", "cypress/**/*.js"]