
Fullstack App demo with React, Redux, MongoDB, Express, Webpack

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Fullstack React Redux MongoDB Express App

Heroku app

Running the App

  1. Terminal 1: // start MongoDB
  • brew services start mongodb-community // macOS
  • // brew services stop mongodb-community // macOS
  • npm run initialize
  1. **Terminal 2 // start Express server and React app
  • npm run start-dev
  1. Terminal 2.a: // start the Express server
  • npm run server
  1. Terminal 2.b: // run the React app
  • npm run dev

From Scratch

  • Create package.json file
npm init --yes
  • Add .gitignore file with node_modules ignored

Dev Dependencies

npm install --save-dev ...

  • webpack@4.17.2
  • webpack-cli@3.1.2 // allows running webpack from command line
  • webpack-dev-server@3.1.7 // allows reading of webpack.config.js
  • @babel/core@7.0.0 // compiles ES6 into ES5
  • @babel/node@7.0.0 // compiles babel within command line
  • @babel/preset-env@7.0.0 // allows to compile ES6
  • @babel/preset-react@7.0.0 // allows to compile React
  • @babel/register@7.0.0 // required for many babel features to work
  • babel-loader@8.0.2 // allow babel in dev-server

.babelrc file

  • specify which libraries to transform files

.webpack.config.js file

  • specify paths and dirs to be resolved
  • mode - "development" or "production"
  • entry - entry point of app in src/app/index.js
  • output - specify where to output bundle.js
  • resolve - specify which types of files to compile .js, .jsx
  • devServer - set historyApiFallback to true to use React-Router
  • module - specify how app should be compiled

Adding Redux to the App

Packages npm install --save

  • redux@4.0.0
  • react@16.4.2
  • react-dom@16.5.0 // turns JSX into HTML
  • react-redux@5.0.7

Overview files

  • src/server/defaultState.js // default state
  • src/app/store/index.js // redux store
  • src/app/index.js // imports store

Adding React to the app

Overview files

  • src/app/components/Dashboard.jsx
  • src/app/index.jsx // tells app where to render React app
  • src/app/components/Main.jsx // parent component of Dashboard

Adding Routing and Navigation

Packages npm install --save

  • react-router-dom@4.3.1
  • history@4.7.2

Overview files

  • src/app/components/Main.jsx
  • src/app/store/history.js
  • src/app/components/Navigation.jsx

Adding Sagas and Thunks to handle random IDs

Packages npm install --save

  • redux-logger@3.0.6
  • redux-saga@0.16.2
  • uuid // generates random string


  • Sagas run in background of Redux apps
  • Respond to actions by generating side-effects (anything outside of the app)
  • Denoted by generator functions function* ** Generators return any number of values, not just one ** Generators can return values asynchronously

Overview files

  • Create saga to generate random task ID
  • src/app/store/mutations.js // template for all changes to app state
  • src/app/store/sagas.mock.js //

Installing MongoDB

Installing Robo 3T

Install MongoDB in the project

npm install --save-dev mongodb@3.1.10

Overview files

  • src/server/initialize-db.js
  • src/server/connect-db.js
  • package.json // initialize script

Setting up an Express Back-end

  • Create a server and listen for HTTP requests

Packages npm install --save-dev

  • express@4.16.3
  • cors@2.8.4 // express plugin for CORS cross-origin resource security
  • body-parser@1.18.3 // express plugin for POST requests

Overview files

  • src/server/server.js
  • src/server/server.spec.js
  • package.json // server, server-test scripts

Initialize Server and Client

Packages npm install --save-dev

  • concurrently@4.0.1

Sagas to make HTTP requests

Packages npm install --save

  • axios@0.18.0

Overview files

  • src/app/store/sagas.js


Packages npm install --save

  • react-router@4.3.1
  • md5 // to store password hashes on DB


  1. Creating route guards
  2. Creating login page that communicates with server
  3. Update default state to include auth defaultState
  4. Creating auth route on server

Overview files

  • src/app/components/Main.jsx
  • src/app/components/Login.jsx
  • src/app/store/defaultState.js // session
  • src/app/store/index.js // session reducer
  • src/server/initialize-db.js // init passwords
  • src/server/server
  • src/app/store/mutations.js // requestAuthenticateUser mutation
  • src/server/authenticate.js // username password authentication, token creation

Deployment to Heroku

  • Configuring Heroku
  • URL deployments
  • Deploying to production

Install Heroku cli

$ brew tap heroku/brew && brew install heroku
  • confirm installed with heroku -v
  • create New staging area on Heroku site

MongoDB Instance provisioning

  • Heroku site - go to Resources > Add-ons > MongoDB > mLab MongoDB
  • Choose Sandbox - Free - click Provision

Overview files

  • package.json // build script to compile to ES5, npm start script for Heroku to start application
  • src/server/server.js // serve from dist when on Heroku
  • src/server/connect-db.js // use MongoDB URI on Heroku
  • src/app/store/sagas.js // have sagas refer to dynamic URL
  • src/server/initialize-db.js // initialize db in production enviroment

Deploying to Heroku

  • Heroku site - Deploy tab, scroll to Deploy using Heroku Git
  • login in terminal with heroku login
  • Add git remote command heroku git:remote -a fullstack-react-express-mongo
  • Push to Heroku with git push heroku master
  • Heroku version of the app should be at https://fullstack-react-express-mongo.herokuapp.com