
PowerShell cd conveniences inspired by bash and zsh

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT

general conveniences for the cd command inspired by bash and zsh

What is it?


Change directory without typing cd. Example:

~> projects
~/projects> cd-extras
~/projects/cd-extras> ..
~/projects> _


Additional paths to be searched for candidate directories. Example:

~> $cde.CD_PATH += '~/documents'
~> cd WindowsPowerShell
~/documents/WindowsPowerShell> _

Note that CD_PATHs are not searched when an absolute or relative path is given. Example:

~> $cde.CD_PATH += '~/documents'
~> cd ./WindowsPowerShell
Set-Location : Cannot find path '~\WindowsPowerShell' because it does not exist.

Path expansion

cd will provide tab expansions by expanding all path segments rather than having to individually tab through each one. Example:

~> cd /w/s/set[Tab]
C:\Windows\System32\setup  C:\Windows\SysWOW64\setup

If only a single path is matched then cd can be used directly, without invoking tab expansion. Example:

~> cd /w/s/d/et
C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc > _

Paths within the $cde.CD_PATH array will be considered for expansion. Example:

~> $cde.CD_PATH += "~\Documents\"
~> cd win/mod
~\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules > _

No argument cd

If the option NOARG_CD is defined, cd with no arguments will attempt to change to the nominated directory. Defaults to '~'. Example:

C:\Windows\System32\> cd
~> _

Two argument cd

Attempt to replace all instances of the first argument in the current path with the second argument, changing to the resulting directory if it exists. Uses Transpose-Location function.


~\Modules\Unix\Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility> cd unix shared

Navigation helpers

Provides the following aliases (and functions):

  • cd- (Undo-Location)
  • cd+ (Redo-Location)
  • cd: (Transpose-Location)
  • up, .. (Raise-Location)


C:\Windows\System32> # Move backward using cd-, then forward using cd+
C:\Windows\System32> up
C:\Windows> cd-
C:\Windows\System32> cd+

Note that the aliases are cd- and cd+ not cd - and cd +. Also note that repeated uses of cd- will keep moving backwards towards the beginning of the stack rather than toggling between the two most recent directories as in vanilla bash.

Each of these functions except cd: takes an optional parameter, n, used to specify the number of levels or locations to traverse. Example:

C:\Windows\System32> .. 2
C:\> cd temp
C:\temp\> cd- 2
C:\Windows\System32> cd+ 2
C:\temp\> _

The Raise-Location (up, ..) function also supports passing a string parameter to change to the first ancestor directory which contains the given string. Example:

C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc> up win
C:\Windows >_

Note: when the AUTO_CD option is enabled, three or more dot syntax for up is also supported. Example:

C:\Windows\System32> ...

Additional helpers

  • Peek-Stack: view contents of undo (cd-) and redo (cd+) stacks
  • Expand-Path: helper used for path segment expansion
  • Set-CdExtrasOption: enable or disable AUTO_CD after the module has loaded

Get started


Install-Module cd-extras
Add-Content $PROFILE @("`n", "import-module cd-extras -DisableNameChecking")
Import-Module cd-extras -DisableNameChecking

Note: if you import the module without using the -DisableNameChecking switch, you'll see a warning about the use of 'unapproved' verbs.


Three options are currently provided:

  • AUTO_CD: [bool] = $true. Any truthy value to enable auto_cd.
  • CD_PATH: [array] = @(). Array of paths to be searched by cd and tab expansion.
  • NOARG_CD: [string] = '~'. If specified, cd command with no arguments will change to this directory.

Either create a global hashtable, cde, with one or more of these keys before importing the cd-extras module:

$global:cde = @{
  AUTO_CD = $false
  CD_PATH = @('C:\Users\Nick\Documents\')
  NOARG_CD = 'C:\'
Import-Module cd-extras -DisableNameChecking

or call the Set-CdExtrasOption function after importing the module:

Import-Module cd-extras -DisableNameChecking
Set-CdExtrasOption -Option AUTO_CD -Value $false
Set-CdExtrasOption -Option NOARG_CD -Value '~'