
A static site scaffold using Gulp, Metalsmith and custom plugins

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Static site scaffold

A static site scaffold built using Gulp, Metalsmith and custom plugins. Used for the basis of static websites.


Build in development mode and watch for file changes:


or gulp build to just build development files.


Build files for production deployment:

NODE_ENV=production gulp build


Upload using FTP (not ideal but works on most hosts):

gulp deploy -u <ID> -p <PW>

Browser testing

Test in Windows Chrome:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --incognito --auto-open-devtools-for-tabs http://localhost:8000/


Set in the "site" section of package.json.

Values are passed to Metalsmith metadata.


The following properties are supported:

name description
title the main heading
menu the name to use in menus [default is the title]
description description for meta tags and article lists
date the date written
publish the date to publish (or private or draft)
layout the template [page.html]
priority 1.0 to 0.0, determines menu hierarchy and sitemaps
orderby the priority factor [priority])
reverse true to reverse the ordering
private page will not appear in navigation
nomenu page will not show sub-menus (such as an article list page)
tag comma-separated list of tags used to generate tag pages
hero the hero image
thumb the thumbnail image [first image on page or hero]

files[] properties

Available within scripts and EJS <%= %> templates:

name description
title the main heading
menu the name to use in menus
description description for meta tags and article lists
date the date written
dateFormatted formatted date
publish the date to publish (or private or draft)
layout the template [page.html]
priority 1.0 to 0.0, determines menu hierarchy and sitemaps
orderby the priority factor [priority])
reverse true to reverse the ordering
private page will not appear in navigation
url URL (relative or absolute from root)
root root path
hero hero image URL
image1 first image URL
thumb thumbnail image URL [thumb
tag array of tags
navrel object containing hierarchy links

navrel object

Provides the following properties

name description
.parent .title and .url of parent page
.back .title and .url of previous sibling
.next .title and .url of next sibling
.child array of child objects (.title, .description, .url, .date, .dateF)

meta properties

Available in metalsmith.metadata():

name description
nav array of menu items. Each item contains a .child array of sub-items
tag array of all tags


Shortcodes are translated in markdown files and templates:

name description
version site version
name site name
menu the page menu title
dateFormatted the page publication date
nowYear the full year
url the URL of the page relative to the root
root the root path
rootURL the fully qualified root path including the domain