A tutorial for Mathias on scraping the world's knowledge.

1. Clone the Knowledge Drone repo to your Mac from Github.
	- You may have to install the Github Mac app
2. Set your variables in KnowledgeDrone.py
3. Do the Terminal stuff below
	- Type out all the stuff below the dashes in your terminal unless it's in brackets.
	- Useful terminal commands:
		pwd - this tells you where you are
		cd [then a folder name] - navigates you to that folder
		cd .. - this takes you back one folder
		ls - this tells you what files are in the current directory
		sudo - this means superuser. if you ever get a permission denied error, use this.
4. Assemble the images into a PDF using Preview 
	- http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/812/how-can-i-combine-two-pdfs-in-preview
	- I could have done this in Python but you would've had to install a bunch of complicated modules
5. $$$$$$$$$

sudo pip install beautifulsoup4
[enter your password]

[navigate to where you put the KnowledgeDrone.py file]
python KnowledgeDrone.py
[watch the magic happen... hopefully.]