
Vue 2 component for GDPR cookies consent.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

# vue-cookie-toggler

Vue 2 component for GDPR cookies consent.

  • Categorize the cookies in your application
  • Block all categorized cookies until the visitor agrees with the cookie policy
  • Allow the visitor to update his/her privacy options through a modal

Currently iframe and script tags are supported.

Image from Gyazo

# npm
npm i vue-cookie-toggler

yarn add vue-cookie-toggler


Import the component like this:

import VueCookieToggler from 'vue-cookie-toggler';

Then you can use it in your app like this (see a complete example below):

<vue-cookie-toggler :cookies-groups="cookiesGroups" title="Cookie policy title">
    Cookie policy message

cookiesGroups example:

    category: 'essential',
    name: 'Essential website cookies',
    description:'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet <a href="#">cookie policy</a>.',
    active: true,
    required: true,
    category: 'analytics',
    name: 'Analytics and customization',
    description:'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.',
    active: false,
    category: 'social_networking',
    name: 'Social networking',
    description:'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.',
    active: false,

Then in your HTML the iframes and scripts tags should be written like this:

script tag examples:

Example 1:
<script type="text/plain" data-cookie data-category="analytics" src="/path/to/file"></script>

Example 2:
<script type="text/plain" data-cookie data-category="essential">
    // .. your awesome code here

iframe tag example:

  alt="Please accept the cookie policy to see the content"

Later, if you want to modify the cookie settings, you can add a link to trigger the cookie settings modal like this:

<a href="#" data-cookie-toggler"settings">Update cookie settings</a>

cookiesGroups options:

Name Type Default value Description
category string This will be used in data-category required
name string The cookie title used in Cookie Settings required
description string The cookie description used in Cookie Settings required
active boolean Whether to set the cookie ON or OFF by default required
required boolean false Disable the option to toggle cookie ON/OFF from the Cookie Settings optional

Example with all the options:

    title="Cookie policy title"
    settings-title="Cookie settings title"
    settings-label="Settings button label"
    accept-label="Accept button label"
    save-label="Save button label"
    cancel-label="Cancel button label"
    <!-- This content will show up the main view (1st view) -->
    Cookie policy message

    <!-- (optional) use '#settingsContent' slot if you what to add content in Cookie Settings view (2nd view) -->
    <template #settingsContent> Cookie settings message </template>

    <!-- (optional) use '#mainButtons' slot if you what to change the buttons in the main view (1st view) -->
    <template #mainButtons="{ accept, settings, save, cancel }">
      <button class="vct__btn vct__btn--default" @click="settings">
        Customize settings
      <button class="vct__btn vct__btn--primary" @click="accept">
        Accept all cookies

    <!-- (optional) use '#settingsButtons' slot if you what to change the buttons in Cookie Settings view (2nd view) -->
    <template #settingsButtons="{ accept, save, save, cancel }">
      <button class="vct__btn vct__btn--default" @click="accept">
        Accept all cookies
      <button class="vct__btn vct__btn--primary" @click="save">
        Save settings

How it works

Becase we have defined the script tags with type="text/plain" and the iframes with data-src, the browser will not load them.

At first load the parsers will scan the DOM for data-cookie tagged elements and categorize them.

After the visitor accepts the cookie policy, the parsers will enable all script tags and iframes categorized in the previous step.


  • make the component more flexible (props & slots)
  • improve variables names
  • move CSS to an assets folder
  • create a parser for links
  • remove lodash dependency
  • vue-js-modal issue on mobile for when the modal is to heigh
  • add some examples
  • write proper documentation