
An R package for genetic analysis of populations with mixed (clonal/sexual) reproduction

Primary LanguageR

Poppr version 2

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Poppr is an R package designed for analysis of populations with mixed modes of sexual and clonal reproduction. It is built around the framework of adegenet's genind object and offers the following implementations:

  • clone censoring of populations at any of multiple levels of a hierarchy
  • convenient counting of multilocus genotypes and sub-setting of populations with multiple levels of hierarchy
  • define multilocus genotypes
  • calculation of indices of genotypic diversity, evenness, richness, and rarefaction
  • drawing of dendrograms with bootstrap support for genetic distances
  • drawing of minimum spanning networks for genetic distances
  • calculation of the index of association (Index of association) or (Standardized index of association)
  • batch processing on any server that has R ( ≥ 2.15.1) installed
  • calculation of Bruvo's distance for microsatellite (SSR) markers (implemented in C for speed)
  • import of data from and export to GenAlEx

New in version 2.0:

  • handling of genomic SNP data
  • custom multilocus genotype definitions
  • collapse multilocus lineages by genetic distance
  • calculate reticulate minimum spanning networks
  • calculate index of association in a sliding window across snps
  • bootstrapping of MLG diversity statistics
  • interactive exploration of minimum spanning networks
  • and more!

For full details, see the NEWS file or type in your R console:

news(Version >= "2.0.0", package = "poppr")


If you use poppr at all, please specify the version and cite:

Kamvar ZN, Tabima JF, Grünwald NJ. (2014) Poppr: an R package for genetic analysis of populations with clonal, partially clonal, and/or sexual reproduction. PeerJ 2:e281 http://dx.doi.org/10.7717/peerj.281

If you use poppr in a presentation please mention it as the poppr R package, specify the version, and use our logo.

Additionally, if you use any following functionalities:

  • minimum spanning networks with reticulation
  • collapsing multilocus genotypes into multilocus lineages with mlg.filter()
  • custom multilocus genotype definitions with mlg.custom()
  • index of association for genomic data with win.ia() or samp.ia()
  • bootstrapping any genetic distance with genind, genlight, or genpop objects with aboot()

Please also cite:

Kamvar ZN, Brooks JC and Grünwald NJ (2015) Novel R tools for analysis of genome-wide population genetic data with emphasis on clonality. Front. Genet. 6:208. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2015.00208

You can obtain citation information in R by typing:

citation(package = "poppr")

Known issues on CRAN

This R package is not a small package, and because of that, it is not unfathomable that there occasionally might be bugs. For bugs that exist within R code, they can be fixed by visiting https://gist.github.com/zkamvar/b64078a0d04d2452c905 and sourcing the code from there. Below is a list of known issues in version 2.0.2 that are fixed on GitHub, but not yet on CRAN:

  • The function read.genalex() cannot read in single-locus data. See issue #58 for details.



Binary versions for mac and windows are available for R ≥ 2.15.1 here.

To install, make sure R is at least version 2.15.1 (the authors recommend ≥ 3.0), and in your console, type:


If you want the absolute latest version of poppr, see about installing from github below.

Stable and Development versions

To install this package from github, make sure you have the following:

For Linux users, make sure that the function getOption("unzip") returns "unzip" or "internal". If it doesn't, then run options(unzip = "internal").

Now you can use the install_github() function:

For the latest stable release:

devtools::install_github(repo = "grunwaldlab/poppr", build_vignettes = TRUE)

For the bleeding edge (development) version:

devtools::install_github(repo = "grunwaldlab/poppr@devel", build_vignettes = TRUE)

Help / Documentation

User Group

Users who have any questions/comments/suggestions regarding any version of poppr (stable or development) should direct their comments to the Poppr google group


A few vignettes have been written for poppr:

Title Command
Algorightms and Equations vignette("algo", "poppr")
Data import and manipulation vignette("poppr_manual", "poppr")
Migration from poppr version 1 vignette("how_to_migrate", "poppr")
Multilocus Genotype Analysis vignette("mlg", "poppr")


In Spring of 2014, Dr. Niklaus J. Grünwald, Dr. Sydney E. Everhart and Zhian N. Kamvar wrote a primer for population genetic analysis in R located at http://grunwaldlab.github.io/Population_Genetics_in_R.


Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms. If you wish to contribute code to poppr, please fork the repository and create a pull request with your added feature.