
Proposal for automatically setting an iframe height via HTML/CSS

Primary LanguageHTML

iFrame Height

After the recent removal of the @seamless attribute on the <iframe> from the WHATWG spec (issue 331); we still need to consider the problem of setting the height of iframes, so they contain their content without scroll bars.

This proposal is to use 1 line of CSS:

<iframe src="./framed.html" id="iframe"></iframe>
	#iframe { height: max-content; }

And 1 header, to be set on the framed content (framed.html):

Expose-Height-Cross-Origin: 1;

This header is for security reasons, otherwise it can leak state information (e.g. the height of the page may determine if a user is logged in).

This was the main feature that @seamless needed to provide, rather than the <iframe> content being "rendered in a manner that makes it appear to be part of the containing document" (spec).

Suggested use cases:

  • Adverts, where the parent page can provide the context via URL or postMessage.
  • Comments on a blog, which you want to sandbox.
  • Contact us form, on an otherwise static website.
  • Subscribe to our mailing list.
  • Payment forms (unfortunately, I hate it when the processor is hidden).
  • Recent Tweets from our company account.
  • Create a Tweet about this page.
  • Current weather at our location.
  • RSS reader showing content from a feed.
  • Syndicated article being shown on a news website.

Further discussion on this proposal is on:

And the browser feature requests:

Current solutions

1). Same Domain

It is possible to set the height with JavaScript (demo):

var iframe = document.getElementById('iframe'),
	height = iframe.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight;

iframe.style.height = height + 'px';

But this needs to be done whenever the content changes, such as navigating to a new page, or when new content is exposed (e.g. JS disclosure widget).

This can be solved with a setTimeout(), which is not ideal.

In the future ResizeObserver might help, but it still requires quite a bit of JavaScript, and does not work Cross-Domain.

2). Cross Domain

Due to the security restrictions in place, this requires the document in the <iframe> to use postMessage() every time the content changes.

This is currently custom code on every website, as no-one can agree on what format the postMessage() should use.

An example can be seen in these child and parent JavaScript files.

Potential problems

  1. Infinite loops with media queries, raised by Jake Archibald (more details).
  2. ???

Requests from other developers

Additional uses


This could be set on a <textarea>, so its height automatically increases (demo / source):

textarea {
    height: max-content;


Feature requests:

Height animation

An alternative to "max-height: 10000px" when animating the opening/closing of a disclosure widget (demo / source):

#widget {
    overflow-y: hidden;
    height: max-content;
    transition-property: all;
    transition-duration: .5s;

#widget.closed {
    height: 0;

<p><a href="#widget">Show</a></p>
<div id="widget">
    <p>Hidden text</p>


Feature requests: