
This script continuously scans a Solana wallet for SPL tokens and tracks their age (time held) in seconds. Once a certain time has elapsed it will sell the token on raydium.

Primary LanguagePython


This script auto_sell.py continously scans a solana wallet for new tokens. Upon detection, it will cache this token along with a few details (token_address, balance, detection_time) in data\wallet_tokens.json. When the token is older than a certain time duration it will sell the token.


  1. WALLET_ADDRESS - Wallet Address to be tracked (only one at a time)
  2. PRIVATE_KEY - Private Key for the wallet (to allow selling)
  3. SOLANA_RPC_URL - RPC URL / I used helius for development
  4. X_SECONDS - Amount in seconds between token detection and initiating the sell swap.

How to use

  1. Clone the repo by running: git clone git@github.com:lorenzourera/solana-auto-sell-bot.git
  2. Create a virtual environment (python -m venv venv), activate it (source venv/bin/activate) and install all dependencies found in requirements.txt (pip install -r requirements.txt)
  3. Create a new file in data/ called config.ini. The contents of this file should be identical to config_template.ini but with the values.
  4. Run the script: python auto_sell.py


For business inquiries or custom scripts reach me on telegram at zo125