
Image Management

tart pull
tart clone ventura-base

Note: Images and VMs are stored in ~/.tart/.

VM Configuring

Get VM configuration:

tart get ventura-base

Set VM configuration options. Not all arguments need to be present.

tart set ventura-base --cpu 4 --memory 8192 --display 1600x1200

Running VMs

Run a VM, mount ~/tmp/ with read/write permissions:

tart run ventura-base --dir="tmp:~/tmp/"

Run a VM, mount ~/tmp/ with read-only permissions and launch the native Screen Sharing application to connect to the VM. Copy+paste to/from the VM is possible when using Screen Sharing.

tart run ventura-base --dir="tmp:~/tmp/:ro" --vnc-experimental

Note: The Virtualization.Framework's VNC server (--vnc-experimental) results in a visually better display than the default (--vnc).

SSH to the VM:

ssh admin@$(tart ip ventura-base)


Validate .cirrus.yml file:

cirrus validate

Print output normally to console:

cirrus run -o simple