
STL Rules with CommonRoad Sim

Primary LanguagePython

Adaptive Splitting of Reusable Temporal Monitors for Rare Traffic Violations

This is the accompanying code-base for the paper (NOTE: Paper available soon):

Adaptive Splitting of Reusable Temporal Monitors for Rare Traffic Violations


Installation Prerequisites

To install required libraries, run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

The MPC-controller for the Automated Vehicle uses Gurobi for Non-Linear Program Solving, so you will need a License.

Running Experiments

"Ground Truth" Simulations

To run PEM experiments using standard monte-carlo sampling, use:

python GrountTruthNaive.py <num-experiments> <exp_name> <save_root>

Where arguments are:

  • num-experiments - the number of simulations that will be sampled
  • exp-name - The name of the experiment (used to create file names)
  • save-root - The root folder where results will be saved

Importance Sampler Baseline

To run PEM experiments using the Imp-CE baseline, use:

python ScenarioImportanceSampling.py <num-experiments> <rule-name> <exp-name> <save-root>

Where arguments are:

  • num-experiments - The number of simulations that will be sampled
  • rule-name - Determines which rule is used for cross-entropy learning. Choose between rg_1, rg_2, rg_4, and ri_1 (Corresponding to rules given in ) Formalization of Interstate Traffic Rules in Temporal Logic
  • exp-name - The name of the experiment (used to create file names)
  • save-root - The root folder where results will be saved

Adaptive Multilevel Splitting

To run PEM experiments using STL-AMS, use:

python adaptiveMultilevelSplit.py <num-experiments> <discard-prop> <rule-name> <exp-name> <save-root>

Where arguments are:

  • num-experiments - The number of simulations that will be sampled
  • discard_prop - Sets discard amount K as discard_prop * num-experiments
  • rule-name - Determines which rule is used for cross-entropy learning. Choose between rg_1, rg_2, rg_4, and ri_1 (Corresponding to rules given in ) Formalization of Interstate Traffic Rules in Temporal Logic
  • exp-name - The name of the experiment (used to create file names)
  • save-root - The root folder where results will be saved

Visualizing a Run

The animate_with_predictions function (available in anim_utils.py) can added to the end of a script to produce an animated visual of a sampled scenario:

AV animation