





  1. Using alot of the same naming convention as bootstrap
  2. Using php partials for reusability, DRY approach
  3. Compressed all images for faster load, the hero image is a bit of a lower quality though, you can compare the compressee to the uncompressed
  4. Kinda gave up making notes since i was running outta time

How to Improve

  1. Start with outline of site first, grayscale -> see figma's outline
  2. Create layers of comments with process, 1 layer for fonts and weights for example (tablet required)
  3. Layer for classes
  4. once everything has a class, group them
  5. start adding css to classes
    1. buttons are the easiest
  6. Identify font-sizes
    1. list them according to size increasingly, then come up with class names for them, i.e. normal, small, large, medium
    2. identify font-families
  7. Identify H1, H2 etc etc